Chapter Twelve

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James Sirius simply walked. He walked around Hogwarts aimlessly, no his parents weren't dead but he had to be more careful on what he said around other people. James was scared he was going to display who he was to the wrong people. He had already put part of his family in danger, along with himself. James couldn't help but think the dark lord was going to find out what he had done and come after his family. The rest of the day went by quickly in James's mind and quickly he found that it was already time for dinner. He entered the great hall alone, he received pity from Hermione and Ron and the rest of the Weasley's he simply shrugged it off. His parents weren't dead but he might soon be. He should have listened to his Aunt Hermione in the first place telling him never to use a time turner. He didn't know what a time turner was at the time, now he does and he wished he had listened that one time. 

"Aiden! Clara! Teddy! A word!" James Sirius yelled across the table motioning for them to follow him out of the great hall. They all followed him when they ended there conversations with the people they were talking with. They met him just outside the door to the entrance hall. 

"Sorry for disrupting your supper, I thought I should tell you this, when I was waiting for Transfiguration they asked me about our parents, I told them they were dead in case they wanted to meet them or that they wanted to know their names. I just thought of it in the moment. So that's what you say if your asked about them, understood?" James Sirius told the group in a hushed voice.

"Good thinking James, that way they won't ask as many questions," Albus told his older brother patting him on the back.

"It was bound to happen eventually," James Sirius said with a smirk. Teddy simply nodded giving James a slight smile.

"Come on, let's go back inside," Lily told him grabbing her brothers hand. She was twelve but to James Sirius she was still his baby sister. 

"Of course Lils," James Sirius whispered.

"You know that would explain why everyone keeps giving us pity looks," Albus told his siblings after a moment. The four siblings walked back into the great hall at the same time. 

"You weren't kidding about the pity looks," James Sirius whispered into Albus's ear. They took a seat with everyone. James Sirius took a seat next to James and Sirius with Lily Luna next to him. 

"Clara, how was your first day of classes?" James Sirius asked his little sister.

"It was good, but Mum and Dad taught me all of that DADA stuff when I was seven. You must have thought your classes were pretty repetitive? I mean you always were really good at DADA just like Dad," Lily Luna told him with a shrug. She was right of course James Sirius was amazing at DADA just like his father. James Sirius was incredibly powerful. 

"Well, I wouldn't say that Clara," James Sirius muttered.

"You know it is James, your incredibly powerful!" Lily explained.

"I bet Harry's better at Defense Against The Dark Arts then you are, no offense but Harry's best in our year," Ron stated as he shoveled more and more food into his mouth. A blush spread across Harry's face as he looked down at his plate.

"I'm afraid I would have to agree with Clara, James is very powerful," Albus told the group as he took average size bites.

"I guess were going to have to see then," Ron answered looking between Harry and James Sirius. "Perhaps a duel?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea Ron," Harry started before James Sirius cut him off.

"Come on Harry, that sounds like fun," James Sirius said a grin spreading across his face.

"I'm afraid your going to regret that," Teddy said agreeing with his two younger adopted siblings.

"I doubt that, Harry's very powerful," Ron defended his friend.

"James has been memorizing defensive and offensive spells since he could read. Of course that was mainly because of Dad but he really got into it. Mum was the one who really cared about Quidditch. It didn't take James too long to learn how to do non-verbal spells. Then he learned how to produce a Patronus. When he isn't pulling pranks left and right he can actually be pretty smart," Teddy told the group. Now it was James Sirius's turn to blush. 

"You mean I can always be smart," James Sirius said with a grin. "Non-verbal spells just took some practice, Aiden has got it down to."

"Ya, I have. I got it over the summer. Clara started working on it to, it's not going too well yet though, she's having a hard time but she is only twelve," Albus told the group.

"Hey, I'm doing better then you were at my age! You only got it because James helped you," Clara stated glaring at her brother in the sibling way.

"If you want help just ask little sister," James said with a grin. He would be happy to help his only sister.

"Yes, actually I would. Do you mind helping me after dinner actually?" Clara asked answering.

"Well, I have detention after dinner, but after that I would be pleased to help you," James Sirius told his little sister.

"Oh, I forgot you got detention on your very first day. Then again I'm not surprised, you always did get a lot of detention. And yes, after your detention should be good come and get me in the common room," Clara stated as she started focusing on her dinner again.

"Rose, Hugo! Have you learned non-verbal spells yet?" James asked his cousins.

"Yup, do you think our Mum and Dad would let us not learn how? Plus we wanted to, it was really important that we did, we were there when the dementor went after you you twat. We also learned to produce a patronus but in fourth year, were not stupid," Rose answered for her and her brother glaring at her cousin.

"I know your not stupid what with all the reading you do. Plus your only in your fourth year so you must have only learned it over the summer. What is your Patronus?" James Sirius answered but addressing his last question to Harry. Of course he already knew what his patronus was but he was just trying to make conversation.

"Oh, it's a stag. What's yours?" Harry answered after a moment surprised the conversation had re-directed it's self back to him.

"It's a wolf," James Sirius told him as he started shoveling food into his mouth.

"You know what we should do, we should organize a club or group of sort where Harry and if James really is that powerful then he could do it. We can talk about it at the Hogsmeade weekend," Hermione whispered only loud enough so that everyone in the small group could hear.

"I don't know Hermione, that sounds like a bad idea," Harry started before James Sirius cut him off.

"Come on Harry, that sounds pretty great," James Sirius said as he stopped eating and looked at his watch. "Well, who ever has detention we better get going. Oh, so James, Sirius, James, Harry, and Hermione."

"Why did you count yourself?" Rose asked annoyed.

"Well I said EVERYONE who has detention, as I am one of those people I said my name," James Sirius answered his cousin.

"You lot didn't even need detention. You basically got detention on purpose," Hermione said with a laugh motioning between James Sirius, James and Sirius. 

"Hypocrite I heard how you got detention. Talking back to a teacher," Sirius said standing. "Come on dear friends we shan't be late."

"Yes, dear Sam you are correct it would be horrible to be late," James said standing up. 

"So, what do we even do in these detentions?" James Sirius asked Hermione and Harry.

"Oh, it's just lines," Harry answered quickly looking at the Weasley's.

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