Chapter Four

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"What did you just call him?" Hermione asked suspiciously that the new students already knew the professor's name, the nickname that the Marauders had given him during their days at Hogwarts.

"Snivellus Snape," Sirius said in disgust, not able to help himself as he thought of the greasy haired boy. 

"How do you know him?" Ron asked, suspicious but not as much as Hermione.

"Oh, our parents knew them when they were in school. That's what they nicknamed them," James answered quickly glaring at Sirius.

"Oh, well he hates all Gryffindors especially me. Your parents probably went to school with mine. He hated me since the first day we met, wasn't even something I did he hates me because he hates my dad," Harry said with a scowl.

"Yes, he does have it out for Harry," Hermione agreed with a nod.

"Fred, George, Harry and I were planning a bit of a prank on him you want in?" Ron said in a quiet voice.

"Of course," Sirius and James said in unison.

"We'll tell you the details later," Harry assured them before digging into his breakfast.

"Green should be here soon, we have potions soon," James said looking at his watch.

"There she is," Sirius said looking at the entrance to the great hall.

"Morning," Lily said sitting down next to Hermione.

"Morning Green," James said with a smirk. At that moment Harry had taken a sharp breath in pain and shot his right hand up to his scar. His eyes glazed over as if he wasn't really there.

"Harry!" Hermione said worriedly. A couple of seconds later Harry was once again back to his normal self.

"We need to talk," Harry stated, looking at Ron and Hermione before walking out of the great hall with the two in tow mumbling something about seeing them in potions.

"That was odd," Lily said looking at the places the three used to occupy.

"Something odd happened last night too," Remus said quietly.

"What?" Lily asked sounding interested, she didn't even bother to glare at James.

"You don't need to know everything Green," Sirius said with a sly grin on his face.

"Fine, don't tell me I'll just have to find out for myself," Lily said standing up with a huff and storming towards Potions.


"What did you see Harry?" Hermione asked eager to know what had happened to his friend at breakfast.

"It was my scar, and then I had a vision. It was a long corridor. I didn't see much else," Harry told his two friends.

"You alright mate?" Ron questioned, concerned for his best mate.

"Yes, I'm fine now. No need to worry," Harry assured them before starting their walk down to the dungeons.

"Those new students are odd, I don't believe their story about Snape," Hermione told the two boys.

"Hermione relax you heard what Snuffles said, we can trust them. I don't mean tell them everything but we don't need to go out of our way to keep them far away," Harry said after a moment of thought.

"Fine, but keep your eyes open for anything odd," Hermione told the two with a stern look.

"We know," Harry and Ron said in unison, this was something they were often told to by Hermione and they trusted her advice.

As the trio reached the potions room they found that Sam, James, Riley, Pete, and Elena were all waiting at the door.

"'Lo," Harry said for the trio, "had some personal matters to attend to."

The group looked uncertain but nodded anyway.

"Are the Slytherins here yet? You know what would be great Ron if Malfoy's ego finally got too big that it popped and landed him in the hospital wing. That way we don't have to see him for a while," Harry told his friend with a laugh.

"Malfoy?" Lily asked Harry.

"Only the biggest prat out there. Thinks because he's a pureblood that he's better than everyone else. Bloody git, if you ask anyone who is not in Slytherin," Harry answered.

"Talking about me Potter?" A platinum blonde boy spat as he came behind Harry. Harry rolled his eyes at the sound of his voice and turned around to see none other than Draco Malfoy.

"So you know you're a prat and a git! I'm glad we can finally agree on something," Ron said hating the boy just as much as Harry.

"Whatever Weasel," Draco said with a glare in Ron's direction.

"Shut up Ferret, why don't you go find a ferret to go talk to. I mean you are their king right?" Harry spat standing up for his friend.

"Shut up, Potter," Malfoy spat back at Harry raising his wand. But Harry was faster, he was always on his feet since the school year before.

"Expelliarmus!"Harry yelled. Disarming Malfoy before he could so much as getting a simple spell in. However at that very moment none other then Severus Snape appeared behind Harry.

"And what excuse do you have this time, Potter?" Snape said as he glared at Harry who had Draco's wand in his hand.

"Actually Professor, Harry was simply defending himself. Malfoy here pulled his wand on Harry first, but Harry was faster so he disarmed him rather than attacking which was the right thing to do," Lily explained before Harry could get a word out.

Snape turned to Lily and his eyes widened. Could it really be her? His best friend from his school days? The love of his life? No, it couldn't be Lily was dead she had been dead for fourteen years. But she looked just like his Lily.

"Fine Mister Potter you are excused this time around however if you ever use magic against another person in this castle you will be going straight to the headmaster," Snape said as he glared at Harry.

"Yes, Professor," Harry answered as Snape turned away. Harry gave Malfoy his wand back as everyone filed into the potions classroom. Harry and Ron sat next to each other with Sirius and James, Remus and Peter, Lily and Hermione.

"Today, we will be brewing Amortentia please flip to page 316, the recipe is there you have three hours you will begin now," Snape said glaring at all the Gryffindors. When his eyes landed on James and Sirius his gaze hardened. It couldn't be them, it was impossible James was dead and Sirius was old. Yet they acted the same way always at each other's side and cracking jokes and planning pranks like there was no tomorrow. Then there was Lily, but no it couldn't be Lily. Lily was dead. She had been dead a long time but they looked exactly alike.

Hermione and Lily were the first to finish their potion, it was perfect so there was nothing Snape could complain about at all. They were dismissed for lunch a half hour later. Soon after Harry and Ron finished though it wasn't perfect and Snape really bit their ears off about it before dismissing the two. A few minutes later Remus and Peter finished they to where dismissed, finally Sirius and James finished. The two, of course, are incredibly smart however most of the time they found themselves distracted or otherwise goofing off.

It was time for lunch and everything was as it should, or so they thought.

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