Chapter Five

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Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sitting closely in deep conversation. It seemed that those three were always in deep conversation James thought to himself. The Marauders walked up next to the 3 teens, Hermione and Ron appeared to be arguing with Harry but the Marauders had no idea what it was about.

"Harry, you have to sleep, it's unhealthy not to," Hermione said in a glum voice, she couldn't believe that Harry actually thought it was a good idea to not sleep.

"You want to know what's unhealthy Hermione? It's unhealthy to be in pain when you're asleep," Harry told them placing his head in his hand.

"Harry you need sleep, the dreams will go away eventually," Ron told his friend with a sigh. "That's what Snuffles said."

"But Snuffles isn't me, he doesn't know what it's like," Harry said in a distant voice.

"What do you guys have after lunch," Sirius asked in a happy voice, trying to lighten the mood.

"Defense Against The Dark Arts, with Umbridge," Ron answered in an annoyed voice.

"I think I may have just died inside a little," Harry mumbled.

Harry's eyes glazed over and he looked distant, he was having another vision. As soon as it had started it was over. Harry was back to his normal sad self. All he said after it was done was "Same." Ron and Hermione knew exactly what he meant by the simple word. It was the same vision he had had that morning.

"Oh, if it isn't Potter, the Weasel and the Mudblood," Malfoy explained from behind Ron.

"Leave Malfoy," Harry said in a bored voice. He seemed drained, physically drained from simply being awake.

"Why Potter, don't have the non-Weasley redhead to bail you out?" Malfoy spat at Harry.

"It should be you Malfoy who's scared. It was just so easy for me to disarm you," Harry said not looking up from his plate.

"Fine Potter I don't want to waste my time talking to you," Malfoy spat as he walked away.

"HARRY POTTER!!!!" A female's voice yelled from the doors to the entrance hall. It was the voice of Ginny Weasley. A small blush crept up his face and a small grin appeared on his once bored looking features. All eyes were on Harry and Ginny. Harry stood up quickly and sprinted out of the great hall.

"What was that about?" Remus asked. Hermione and Ron exchanged glances before smiling.

"Harry fancies my little sister," Ron said with a scowl.


Ron immediately stood up and sprinted out of the Great Hall. Hermione chased after him, angry that he had betrayed his best friend.

"You git Ronald, we promised we wouldn't tell anyone!" Hermione yelled as she cornered Ron at the end of a corridor on the second floor.

"You heard what Snuffles said! We can trust them!" Ron defended himself with a shrug of his skinny shoulders.

"But that was personal, we can trust them with politics not our personal life," Hermione said in a calmer voice.

"Okay I promise I won't tell anyone else," Ron said putting his arms up in surrender.
Ron and Hermione walked back to the Great Hall laughing and joking only to find a huge fight between Elena Green and James Chaser.

"Potter!" Elena yelled with anger written all over her face.

"Evans!" James shouted with a smirk on his face, he obviously was enjoying this. The two were completely oblivious to the two standing a bit further down the corridor. They were still multiple corridors away from the Great Hall.

"Hermione, did they just say Potter? As in Harry?" Ron asked his intelligent friend.

"Somethings up and I think I know what," Hermione told him.

"YOU GIT THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU BROKE THE TIME TURNER AND BROUGHT US HERE!" Lily yelled at James. The smirk on James's face slid off before he shouted back.

"MY FAULT! MY FAULT! YOU WERE THE ONE WITH THE BLOODY TIME TURNER!" James roared back with just as much ferocity.

"YOUR A GIT JAMES POTTER! You're JUST A LITTLE TOE-RAG!" Lily screamed back James stomping her foot in the process.

"EVA-," James started before his eyes landed on Hermione and Ron. Lily's eyes followed James and her jaw dropped open.

"Bloody Hell," James stated before he started running after Hermione and Ron.

"Run!" Hermione screamed before turning around the way they had come. They kept running until they reached the dead end Hermione had caught Ron in. "Oh no."

"Petrificus Totallus!" Hermione yelled hitting Lily straight in the chest. James stopped to check on Lily when he was hit in the head with the spell. Hermione let out a sigh of relief as she realized she had disarmed the two teenagers that had been following her. Hermione approached the two frozen teens with caution, she knew they weren't going to attack her or anything even if they weren't frozen in place. 

"Who are you! I know but I need you lot to say it," Hermione stuttered.

"I'm Elena Green and this is James Chaser," Lily said in a false calm voice.

"Don't lie!" Hermione yelled.

"Fine, I'm James Potter and this is Lily Evans," James said with a sigh.

"JAMES POTTER WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" Lily screamed furiously.

"I knew it!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Hermione that's not possible these people are delusional!" Ron tried to reason but knew it wasn't worth it. Hermione removed the spell that and offered the two a hand up.

"We can't tell Harry, this will be too much for him. We need to keep this quiet. You heard what he was talking about this morning Ron, not sleeping how thick can he be," Hermione told the three but mainly directing it at Ron. "Let me guess, Sam is Sirius Black, Riley is Remus Lupin, and Pete is Peter Pettigrew the bloody-"

Ron cringed at the last name, however, he wanted to keep quiet and not tell the teens that one of their closest friends will betray them and he cut Hermione off before he could finish. "Not now 'Mione."

"That's correct," Lily answered with a sigh.

"Come on, we have to get to Defense Against The Dark Arts," Hermione said as she started walking away.

"I suppose we do," James mumbled starting down the hallway.

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