I walked out the office and headed to room 417, I looked and saw it was a math class. I walked in and saw nothing but mostly females and a few dudes.

“Hi how are you?” Mrs. Cook greeted. “How can I help you?”

“I’m just put into this class.” I smiled, passing her my schedule. “Okay. I see, just have seat next to Ronnie.”

        I looked back and saw him smirk at me. I smirked at him and sat down. He sat back and looked straight ahead. I scanned the room some more and I see some girls waving at me. I nodded and continue to look forward.

“Now today we are going to finish chapter 3 and get the review for the test.” She clapped. “Can I have a volunteer to pass out the papers?”

        All these girls hands came up. She pointed to a light skinned girl. She hopped up and fixed her shirt and grabbed the papers.

“Thank you Amber.” She smiled and sat at her desk.

“Welcome.” She smiled, showing her braces.

“Ayy bro.” Some dude whispered. “Twin.”

“Yeah.” He answered. “What’s up?”

“So you and Brittney a thang now?”

“Naw.” He shook his head. “Not yet.”

“What you mean not yet?” he asked.

“I’m taking my time.” He smiled.

“Why?” he asked.

“Because we don’t want to rush into anything yet.” He smiled.

“That’s understandable.” He nodded. “Well yall make a great couple anyway.”

“Yeah.” He smiled. “My brother just old they both just switched to his 1st hour.”

“For real?” he asked.


“Yo brother and Ari together right?” he asked.

“Naw.” He shook his head, smiling. “They not rushing either.”

“Yall lucky.” He smiled.

“Why?” he asked.

“Cause them two girls are special.” He smiled. “They are really a gift from god.”

“We know.” He smiled. “They are some sweethearts.”

Take good care of them both.” He smiled.

“We promise.”

        And with that the bell rang again.

I’m Not Going to Make It in This Class.

Dee’s POV

        The girls came walking in my first hour all smiling and laughing. When I saw Ari, my heart skipped a beat and my breath caught in my throat. They looked in the back where I was and waved. I smiled and from there we were in the back laughing the whole hour.

“I’m sad.” Brittney pouted.

“Why?” Ari asked, with my arm around her waist.

“Cause you got Dee.” She smiled. “And who I got?”

“You would always have me.” He said behind her.

        She turned around and hugged him so tight.

“Missed me?” he laughed.

        She put her head down and blushed. Ari said she do that all the time.

I Fell in Love With My Sister Boyfriend BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now