Chapter Forty-Seven

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Gisela: I don't want to be here with them all day. Can you come get me?

Gisela: don't ignore me

Gisela: I know you're up for your never miss a workout

Gisela: pleeeeaaaaassssseeeee

Lisedi: omg yes I will come get you. You are so annoying

Gisela: ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

Lisedi: and I was still sleeping..

Gisela: sorry ☹️

Lisedi: I'll pick you up for lunch. Then you can come back here and chill.

Gisela: okay!

I rolled over in my queen sized canopy bed. Burying myself under the orange chevron print comforter. For me to miss home so much, I didn't think I'd so anxious to get out of here. It was my parents. They went on and on all night after everyone left. I had to get in my bed and pretend I was asleep to get them to stop lecturing me. Today wouldn't be any different. They had both taken the day off from work, which they informed me of last night. Mom a dentist. Daddy an architectural engineer for the city of Toronto.

I pulled up my camera and tapped the flip screen icon so that I could snap a picture of myself. The sun rays pouring in from my rooms large window. It bounced off my skin perfectly and brought a lighter tint to my eyes.

giselagissygis: waking up in the 6ix #thankful

As soon as I made the post to my Instagram page, the likes and comments starting pouring in from my friends back at Maryland. They were more than likely up for their classes at this time.

teslaholt liked your photo

_queenria liked your photo

kemari21 liked your photo

terphooper14 liked your photo

ky_war18 liked your photo

relltheplug: You home?

teslahot: Where you at girl? I miss our lunch dates!

_queenria: Roomie...I've been texting you but you post on IG? K. Cool.

chubbsview liked your photo

My nose scrunched at the sight of his IG handle appearing my notifications. Why the hell am I even still on his timeline? Asshole.

kermari21: call me Beanie

Kemari. My ex boyfriend. Beanie was a nickname he gave me when we first started dating. It was a reference to my extensive beanie collection. I loved wearing them to keep warm. It was a go to when I didn't feel like doing my hair for class.

I had no interest in him either at the moment. I locked my phone and rolled over to catch a couple more z's before Lisedi came.

Kemari: iMessage
Chubby: iMessage
Sharia: iMessage

I left them all on my locker screen and placed my phone face down. Two hours went by. I slept like a baby. My texts and missed calls had double since then. I yawned and decided to open them.

Lisedi: I'm on the way in 10. Please be ready. I don't feel like mom and dad today

Kemari: I've been worried about you Beanie. I'm glad you're okay. When you coming back to UM?

On The Run: Original Work From The Tumblr AuthorWhere stories live. Discover now