Chapter Twenty-Four

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Everyone bummed it in bed until noon the next day. Lisedi was still being stubborn with me. Once again, she slept on the furthest end of the bed. Even when we were both up just lying there, she acted like I wasn't even in the room.

When she gets over this I'm gonna be so fucking thankful. My God. I knew she was stubborn before but she's not cutting me any type of slack. There was only so much ass kissing a nigga could do.

Her sister poked her head in, asking if she wanted to walk down to the beach. It was literally right in our backyard. Sergio had put us up in beautiful beachfront property.

Of course, my eyes wandered her body as she changed into a white bikini. She did it right in front of me on purpose. Fucking tease.

My phone rang with a call from Serg to snap me out of my guttered thoughts. He wanted me and the guys to swing by his place. Probably wanted us to help him with some shit, or just kick it. More than likely invite some women over when we were done. The bitches loved him.

I sent out a text to the guys so they could get themselves together. Since Lisedi and Gissy had made plans to go down to the beach, I decided to let them stay here. They probably wouldn't enjoy Serg's house anyway.

"Babe," I called to her as I typed on my phone.

She continued to stand in front of the bathroom mirror, doing her hair like she didn't hear me.

"Baby," I called again.

She ignored me once again.


"Yes?" she answered.

Shes fucking impossible sometimes. I swear.

"I'm going over to Sergio's with the boys to handle some stuff," I said, "you and Gissy gonna be alright here while we gone? It'll be a couple hours at the most."

"I'm a big girl, Aubrey. We're good. I won't even ask what you're going to go do because you're probably gonna lie if it's something shady."

I sucked my teeth, "Do you always got something smart to say out your mouth?"

"Maybe," she shrugged, grabbing her phone and a towel before walking out of the room.

"I love you, too," I called out, figuring she probably didn't hear it.

A Few Hours Later

"That's a gorgeous woman you got on your hands, by the way," Sergio spoke with a cigar in his mouth as he counted some money.

I nodded, taking a drag of a cigar of my own, "Thanks, man. I tried," I smiled, thinking about my girlfriend.

"Very loyal, too. To be on the side of the law and then switch up for you? A great catch, my friend."

It wasn't a very manly thing to blush, but that's my instant reaction when somebody goes on about how lucky I am to have Lisedi. Because honestly, I agree.

"Thank you for Diana," Future smirked.

I laughed, "Yea, she is bad. How old is she?" I asked Sergio.

"34," Sergio smirked, "I figured you boys wouldn't mind a cougar."

"I love cougars. If this was a year ago I'd be all over that, but-"

"Lisedi will kill us all if it happens?" OB asked while scrolling through his phone.

"Damn, she's like that?" Sergio laughed.

"Na," I smirked, "She's just-"

"Crazy," OB finished my sentence.

I laughed, "Let's just say she's territorial."

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