Chapter Thirty-One

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I wasn't feeling the best when I woke up a few hours later. My chest still felt a little weird when I breathed. Slight nausea and a headache. Light headed. I didn't go to sleep fully until six o'clock; up by ten. For some reason I couldn't go back to sleep.

I finally rolled over on my back. That's when I noticed Aubrey sitting up. It looked like he had been up for a minute. He probably hasn't been to sleep. He looked tired.

"Good morning, baby," he leaned down and kissed my forehead, "how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. I still feel a little weird," I said.

"Yeah, I figured you would. Last night was rough."

"What's that smell?"

An unpleasant aroma made my stomach turn.

"Oh shit," he jumped up, "I forgot to change out that trash can."

I watched him walk around to my side of the bed. He picked up the trash can that I remembered vomiting in and carried it into the bathroom. I assumed he emptied it in the toilet when I heard it flush several times. He came back and put it back beside the bed now with liner, smelling like bleach.

He went back in the bathroom and washed his hands before getting back in bed with me.

"Thank you. I don't know how many men would clean my throw up," I said, "I would kiss you but I think I have throw up breath."

He placed his hand on my jaw and brought our lips together for a peck, "I don't care. You're mine. Whether you throwing up or shitting. It's all mine."

"You're crazy," I laughed as he squeezed me in a hug.

"Crazy about you. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you last night," his lips brushed against my neck, "I should've been there to cap that nigga. He was gonna try to take you-"

"Let's not talk about it," I said, "you need to get some sleep. I bet you haven't closed your eyes yet."

"I haven't," he sighed, "it's hard when your mind is racing. Plus, I was watching over you. I had to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine. Get some sleep, baby. I'm gonna go downstairs and find something to settle my stomach. Get some fresh air."

"Okay. Chubbs and Gissy are up. I asked them to go down to the village and get some stuff for you to help you feel better. Diana's probably making breakfast too. Be nice, okay?"

"I'm always nice."


I took my time getting up. I felt sticky and gross, so I took a quick shower. Washing my hair was a must. I wrapped my hair up in a towel and slipped on a pair of leggings and a t-shirt. Once the towel soaked up enough water from my hair, I removed it so it could continue air drying.

My stomach growled a little. Even though I still had some nausea, I could put something in my tummy. I walked downstairs. My nostrils were greeted with a savory smell. Some of the guys were up and chilling in the living room. They said good morning and asked how I was feeling. I assured them that I was fine.

I could hear Gissy and Chubbs talking in the kitchen. Of course, Diana was there standing over the stove. Whatever she was cooking smelled good. Future was leaned against the counter beside her, smirking and checking out her ass in the tight yellow pants she wore. It was nice, no lie. I could tell he was trying to talk his way between her legs. It was all in his demeanor.

"Hey Lizzy," Gisela ran up to me and gave me a once over, "how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. Still have a slight headache, nausea. It feels funny breathing a little."

"Perfect...I mean, not perfect that you feel that way but I have the perfect remedy," she went to the stove and poured contents from the steaming kettle into a blue mug.

She reached into a bag and pulled out something that looked like a plant. She broke off a few leaves and put it in the mug, mixing it with a spoon

"Chubbs and I went down to the village this morning. You know foreign countries have all these home remedies for different types of things," she handed it to me, "manzanilla tea with Yerba buena, ginger, estafiate, cinnamon and honey."

"Thank you Gis," I brought the steam it gave off up to my nose, "it smells good."

"Drink up while it's hot," she said, "Diana's is making you some toast and fresh applesauce. You can't eat the eggs, bacon and stuff until you start feeling okay. Don't wanna make your stomach more upset."

Chubbs smiled at her enthusiasm. She put a lot of effort into making sure I was okay. I appreciated that. Such a good little sister.

"I'm gonna go drink this outside. Let me know when breakfast is ready," I said to them.

They both nodded. I stepped outside the same French doors that lead to last night's scene. Aubrey must have called the clean up crew, because it looked as if nothing took place.

I spotted Hush sitting at the edge of the pool. His feet dangling in the water while he smoked a cigar. He seemed to be enjoying the beautiful weather, fresh air and the view of the town below. It was indeed relaxing. Something I'm sure we both needed after last night.

"Good morning," I walked up to him.

He looked back and smiled, "Good morning, Lisedi. How are you feeling?"

His West Indian accent was thick and so adorable. You wouldn't think he was this rough, tough guy by the sound of his voice.

"Better," I nodded, "mind if I join you?"

"No. Go ahead."

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