Chapter Five

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7:00 am came faster than I thought. The alarm on my phone was being difficult, not allowing me to find the snooze button fast enough. Let me get my ass up. I didn't have to be at work until nine, but my morning workout routine couldn't be missed no matter how late I was up the night before.

I quickly slipped on some exercise tights, sports bra and jogged downstairs to the gym provided by my apartment complex. A quick two mile run on the treadmill, a couple reps of bench presses and squats along with three hundred sit ups. The perfect way to get your blood flowing. Staying fit was key for me given my line of work. Running down, wrestling and apprehending fugitives required a lot of strength and stamina.

Gissy was still knocked out on the right side of my bed when I returned. She had already planned to stay the night with me when dad dropped her off. I loved that she missed me that much. Last night was fun, but we still had a lot of catching up to do.

I stripped out of my sweaty clothes and took a hot shower that relaxed my muscles. This was one of my favorite places to think for some odd reason. The other would be my second bedroom where I did most of my art work and had it on display.

Last night replayed in my head. I wasn't expecting to have as good of a time as I did. Yes, he was fine as hell for sure. That beard, his eyes and that smile were just a few things that had my eyes hooked. More importantly, his charm was on full display, he kept our conversation interesting and he was doing very well for himself as an educated business man. Most women would say he was perfect. I couldn't be so quick to make that statement, it was only one date. The verdict is still out. After all, he did try to take me home after dancing with me at the club.

I cursed myself for forgetting to grab my towel before I got in. My body shivered as it braced the cold air when I opened the bathroom door.

"Well hello Lizzy! Good morning to you too."

"Oh my God!" I jumped back, "you scared the shit out of me. I thought you were still sleeping."

"You make so much damn noise. It was impossible," she rolled out of bed, "nice rack though. Your abs are to die for."

She laughed and tossed me a towel from my closet, "Thanks."

"Off to work?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna drop you off at home first."

"Aww man, I can just come with you?"

"No. It's too dangerous to have you coming on jumps with me and I don't want to hear mom's mouth about it."

"I can just hang out in the office?"

"No, cause when we have to leave I don't feel comfortable leaving you there by yourself."

"I'm not a baby, Lizzy."

"No," I said, firmly, "end of discussion."

"You're so mean," she rolled her eyes, "whatever."

"I'm mean, but I took you to Fring's with me last night where you ate for free," I lotioned myself down and put on my underwear after drying off, "yeah, I'm an evil big sister."

She stuck her tongue out at me, which made me throw my used towel at her face.

"Is that what you're wearing today?" she looked me up and down as I finished dressing.

"Yeah," I tied my damp tresses into a topknot, "what's wrong with it?" "It's so...boring."

I looked down at my University of Maryland raglan tee and skinny leg black cargos from Zumeiz as I stepped into my work boots.

On The Run: Original Work From The Tumblr AuthorKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat