Chapter Forty-Four

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Lisedi made crispy buffalo wings with perfectly seasoned fries. She didn't forget the celery and bleu cheese, since she swore how important vegetables were.

It was delicious. She rarely cooked since we had a maid in the house, but when she did, she always showed out. I couldn't count the amount of ways she was perfect, it was too much to remember. All I know is, God damn she's the one.

She weirdly ate her wings with a fork. I asked her why and she said as delicious as buffalo wings are, they're messy and she hates getting the sauce stuck under her nails. Eating it with a fork was just easier for her.

We talked a little, together. She was done crying over hearing that Hush still had a part of him left in this world.... His baby. She was stable again, talking about how much she missed her family and how she couldn't wait to go back. I couldn't wait either. I missed Toronto so much. And I missed my mother the most.

When we were finished, we were back in our room. Since we spent so many days apart because of Gisela, we were stuck together. Lisedi was extra touchy, mainly because she was so into how I looked with a fresh cut.

"When you look like this, it makes me want to call you daddy 24/7," she kissed on my ear.

I chuckled, turning to her, "I looked like this the whole time in Toronto. I wasn't daddy back then."

"Yea, because you weren't worthy of that title yet," she smirked, "But I wanted to pounce on you all the time. I just had a lot of self control."

I smirked back, "Oh, really?"

"Yes, really. But back then doesn't matter. What matters is now. And even now, I can't explain how in love with you I am," she smiled at me.

I kissed her hand, "You don't have to explain it. I can feel it."

She blushed before she laid her head on my shoulder, "Babe?"


"How does Italia look?"

"Hold on," I pulled out my phone, clicking on the Instagram app. I got to her page, and clicked on a selfie that Italia recently posted. Her curly hair was in a shoulder length cut. Her Caribbean features showed, she was beautiful. And glowing, like a pregnant woman usually is.

"Wow, she's pretty," Lisedi's voice got soft.

"She is, isn't she? She's probably crying her eyes out right now, though," I clicked the section where you can scroll past all her pictures. I stopped at one where she was holding her belly. She was wearing a beautiful, long pink dress, probably at an event. The happiest smile on her face.

queentali_ Only 3 more months till I get to meet you... I can't wait!

I smiled at the caption. I looked at Lisedi, "I can't wait to see you like that."

Lisedi smiled, "I'm probably going to be huge when I'm pregnant."

"You won't be that big," I smirked, "Besides, you have child-bearing hips," I squeezed her thigh. It was a term my mother's used before, and the term definitely fits Lisedi's slim thick figure.

"You think so?" She looked down at her hips and thighs.

"Yea," I kissed her shoulder, "You'd be so beautiful pregnant. Your hair will grow even fuller and longer... Your nails will grow like crazy. Your skin will be clear as day, and beautiful. And of course you'll gain a little more weight, and you know I don't mind a little juiciness on you."

She laughed, "A little juiciness, huh?"

I smiled, "Yea. You already know your body drives me crazy, so to see you get thicker? Aw man," I chuckled.

On The Run: Original Work From The Tumblr AuthorWhere stories live. Discover now