Chapter Sixteen

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One Month Later

Business was going great for me. The pharmacy had doubled its amount of clientele from the local hospitals. I found myself having to come in more often to help out. Mazin had a pretty good handle on running the place and being a leader for my staff. Fring's waiting list continued to grow with more of the area politicians coming to dine with us along with celebrities and athletes making it even more of a hotspot. Money was pouring in. I found myself being more hands on and making special accommodations for VIP guest. Oliver had set up an interview with Toronto Life for myself and Gelo that would be featured in this month's issue. Bill Kaufman of the Toronto Sun, chose us to spotlight for their weekly restaurant review. Positive media attention was good to keep business high.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, the trap was booming. I was selling out of shit as soon as Serg shipped it to me. We were bunkin no less than 100,000 a night. It got to the point where I was receiving three to four shipments a week. I would send Serg his cut of the earnings. In turn, he'd give me my personal stash of some high grade Colombian weed and cigars. Shit these niggas out here wish they could get their hands on.

Not only was business on the up and up, but so was my personal life. Lisedi and I were a month into exclusively dating. I was loving it. Whether it was taking her out and spoiling her or lying down next to her after a long day, I enjoyed it all. When I wasn't at the restaurant, pharmacy or running the streets, I was with her. Still a secret to all my boys but Chubbs.

Her birthday was coming up soon. Three weeks to be exact. She was a Leo. My lioness in every sense of the word. Strong and independent with a disdain for being controlled. A challenge to say the least. I wanted to do something special for her. For my girl.

I didn't have anywhere to be until noon. So I woke up early to hit my home gym and do some jogging around the neighborhood. A hot shower led to deep thought about what I could do to really impress her. That reminded to text Gelo about an arrangement I had already put in motion.

Aubrey: remember I need the restaurant closed for Sat. Aug 6th

After drying off and putting on a fresh change of clothes, I headed downstairs to get some breakfast in my stomach. That was before the sound of a female giggling caught my attention. It had become familiar, especially when the rest of the house was out and about doing there own thing like today.

I knocked on Chubbs door, figuring I could interrupt to get some insight for my girls birthday.

"Who is it?"

"AG, nigga, open the fuckin' door."

Two minutes later he was peaking his head through the door crack, "Wassup?"

"Damn what you got going on in here?"

"What you and your chick don't have going on," he grinned.

Ever since him and Gisela been fucking, he thought it was hilarious to take digs at me about Lisedi not letting me hit yet. It's cool, though.

"That's real fucking funny, asshole. Lemme holla at Gisela real quick, though."

He looked back, probably to make sure she was dressed before opening the door wider to let me in.

She sat criss-crossed on his California king bed in one of his t-shirts that were significantly oversized for her small frame. Her wild hair, messy sheets and clothes decorating the floor gave them away easily.

I was skeptical about them going this far given her age. That was his girl, though. So I'mma let him do what it do. Age ain't nothin but a number, right?

On The Run: Original Work From The Tumblr AuthorWhere stories live. Discover now