Chapter Forty-Six

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"I didn't aide and abet anyone. My life was threatened and I acted as such so I can be sitting here alive and breathing."

"How was your life threatened Ms. Scott? I need to know everything that happened."

"Aubrey was my boyfriend at that time. I'm sure you guys have done all your snooping on my social media and saw our pictures. Contrary to popular belief, I had no clue the law had their eyes on him until that warrant came across my desk."

"So you've never seen Mr. Graham deal or do drugs. Not any illegal activity?"

"No detective. I never saw one drug or any indication of them being sold," I said, "which is why that warrant was so absurd to me."

"So you and your family went to pick him up. What happened after that?"

"We arrested him. He didn't resist. Put him in my car in hopes of talking to him before he was booked. I just needed an understanding of what was going on cause it wasn't adding up to me. I was driving to the station when I got a phone call from an unsaved number. It was Travis. He threatened Aubrey. Told him if he snitch he'd off him and his family. The same for me now that I was made privy to everything. His last demand was to keep driving. Drop our radios and keep driving or else my family that was trailing behind us is dead. So I did it."

"Hmmm keep going," she sat down across from me,taking a break from circling around.

"He caught up with us. I guess he wanted to kill us initially cause he shot up our car and made us wreck. I was hit a couple of times. Nothing fatal," I lifted up my shirt to show her, "it was some blood but we were okay. He and some other guys forced us into his car. Next thing I know I'm on a plane headed to a foreign country."

"So tell me again how your sister and all of those men you flew back with ended up there?"

"Aubrey was able to get word out to his close friends that we were in trouble, so they came. My sister was friends with one of them and once she heard I was with him she came with him."

"I'm assuming that's how you got duffle bags and suitcases full of clothes?"

"Travis wanted us to look like we fitted in. Like nothing was wrong. He didn't want us in the same ratty, bloody, dirty clothes. Believe it or not there are places out there to shop, " I said, "it took some time but we were able to get the best of Travis and reach out to my uncle. That's how I'm face to face with you."

She gave a questionable nod, stood up and knocked on the double window. The man that was in here previously re entered with papers in his hand. He handed them to her.

She examined them for a moment, then gave him a nod, "Put her in a holding cell."


"I find it hard to believe that your own girlfriend didn't know that you were a drug dealer," Detective Carlson grilled me.

"She didn't. I swear she didn't," I looked down. I hated talking about this part of this situation. The look in her eyes when she found out, the hurt in her voice as she yelled at me... This was a day that I dreaded, and a day that switched out life around forever, "She found out the moment I got arrested."

"Did she? Or is that just the cover up?"

"She did. How could I tell her that I was one? Knowing her line of work, we wouldn't have happened. I hid it from her well, telling her that I had business meetings regarding my restaurant or pharmacy. I couldn't tell her what I was really doing. She would've left me in the drop of a dime."

"So why be with her if you knew you couldn't tell her about the real you?"

"Detective, have you taken a look at that woman?"

On The Run: Original Work From The Tumblr AuthorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz