Part 2: Serpents in Riverdale

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After a stressful weekend of overthinking, Monday morning finally arrives. Despite the temptation to sleep further on into the day, Cheryl wake sharply at 7am, ready for the new week. 

Once she is finished getting ready she leaves her house and strolls casually to Riverdale High where she meets Kevin, one of her recently made friends and walks to class with him. Despite knowing that the serpents were arriving today, she stayed out of their way, not wanting to create more attention, which was unusual for Cheryl.

After her first lesson, she had a change of heart and attempted to find the new group of students. 

Only a few metres away, stood Toni Topaz, a new student at Riverdale High. She stood comfortably with Sweet Pea and Fangs, with the rest of the serpents just behind them. 

"Welcome to Riverdale" says Veronica, trying to make a decent impression of the intimidating group. She continues, "here are your timetables and your lockers" as she passes out the pieces of paper, among the mumbling, Veronica says, "if you need any help finding either of these, many students will be happy to help." The second, Veronica speaks, Cheryl arrives out of no where, wanting to create tension between the infamous sides. 

She confidently walks down the stairs and right up to the freshly welcomed group. She moans unimpressively, hoping at least one of the Serpents will notice. 

Off the bat, Toni spots Cheryl's side eye, and edges closer defensively. Once the redhead makes it to the bottom of the stairs she says, "Ah they made it... the Southside scum..." practically spitting profound dislike at the students. 

Toni automatically feels attacked and pushes towards Cheryl, wanting to start an argument, but before she could manage that, Sweet Pea manages to spot her anger and quickly catch Toni's arm before anything bad could happen between the groups. Sweet Pea holds her back but she still manages to get a few words across to Cheryl, "you wanna talk shit? Don't whisper it next time".

Cheryl shrugs off her threat and walks off, back into the growing crowd of students. After a few moments, Veronica manages to engage in conversation with the serpents, reassuring them that the majority of the students are happy to have them here, and eventually leaves the group to 'fend' for themselves in the halls of Riverdale. 

Toni says, "I know I wanted to come here, but I already hate it. That Cheryl Blossom doesn't know what's about to hit her" and walks angrily off to her first lesson at her new school. Sweet Pea and Fangs stand there laughing slightly, strongly knowing Toni is bluffing and eventually head to their own lessons, wondering how anyone will diffuse this arising argument between the infamous Cheryl Blossom and serpent, Toni Topaz. 

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