Scramble the Orbs

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Enjoy that pic y'all...

It was after school and Adam and I had just finished doing our homework. Neither of us were particularly good at physics, but my farm experience combined with Adam's ability to throw things really high got the job done. I hope.

Anyways, the two of us went down to the lab because we didn't feel like struggling through English or history at that point, and saw Leo at his mission specialist desk. He got up once we passed him.

"Hey Adam," Leo said and took a deep breath, "Attack me."

"Oh no, I know how this works," Adam groaned, "First you tell me to attack you, then I say no, and then you taunt me until I snap. It's not gonna happen."

Leo proceeded to hit Adam with an empty water bottle.

"OH IT'S ON LITTLE MAN!" Adam yelled, charging at Leo. Suddenly, two giant balls that were silver with green lights flew up next to Leo's head. Adam stepped back. The lights changed to red.

"Oh boy," I muttered.

The balls shot lasers at Adam and sent him flying across the floor. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Oh no!" Adam exclaimed, "The Christmas ornaments are turning against us!"

"Nope, you just got pulse-waved by my latest invention," Leo announced, "Attack orbs."

"Huh?" Adam asked.

"Only you would invent 'attack orbs'," I said.

"When they perceive a threat within five feet of me, they attack," Leo explained, "They're mobile robotic bodyguards."

"Huh, impressive," Adam mused, "But have you ever thought of just liftin' weights or workin' out?"

"Or taking self-defense classes?" I added.

"I designed them to protect you guys from Douglas and Krane," Leo further explained, "If I'm going to be a true inventor, I'm gonna have to start making things without Big D. And once I prove myself, maybe he'll eventually let me be his business partner."

"Riiight," Eddy said, activating on the wall, "Because every billionaire needs an incompetent relative that brings nothing to the table."

"Eddy, I have electrokinesis now," I warned, "I can rip out your wires without being electrocuted."

"Like you would ever do that," Eddy replied, and I started walking over to his mainframe, "Never mind I'll go away just don't touch my wires!"

As Eddy deactivated, Chase walked in the lab.

"Speaking of incompetent relatives," Adam muttered, and then louder, "Chase? Why are you attacking Leo?"

"What?" Chase asked.

I sensed what Adam was gonna do, and shoved Chase towards Leo. Leo's attack orbs flew in, and Leo just smiled and waved good-bye to Chase. His eyes widened, and the orbs shot him down. He landed with a thud.

"Awesome!" Adam said, and Leo high-fived the two of us. The orbs then shot us down.

"Yeah, you might wanna work on that one a little more," I suggested.

"Do it again!" Adam yelled.


The Other Dooley 3: Secrets and Lies - Lab Rats Season 3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon