4 | Chains and Whips

Start from the beginning

Then, he left the room, slamming the door loudly behind him. I kept my face buried in the pillow, finding comfort in its softness. I didn't dare look around the room again, and didn't try to get out the handcuffs anymore. I was exhausted, but I wouldn't go to sleep. I couldn't go to sleep. Not with this burning pain in my back.

I simply lay like that for hours. I wasn't sure what I did and didn't think of, but I could feel myself slowly breaking. I was sure it hadn't been long and I was already beginning to break. How pathetic.

I felt myself go rigid at the door opened what felt like days later. My lips were dry and chapped, and it felt like I had swallowed sandpaper. My stomach begged for food, louder than usual, and all my energy was spent trying to heal my back. 

I had long since run out of tears to cry, and the ball gag was still in my mouth, no matter how much I tried to push it out and take it off. It made me want to scream in anger and frustration.

I expected to see Ezra walk through the door, and I tried to mentally prepare myself. Instead, I was met with a stranger. He was tall, and had a lot of defined muscles, as though he went to the gym every day. His piercing blue eyes made me shake, and I quickly looked away.

"Ezra, babe, who is this?" The stranger called out as he popped his head back out the door, most likely looking at Ezra. I heard footsteps drawing nearer, and I buried my face back into the pillow, wishing to disappear.

"Oh, this Kitten, is my newest toy. He's a cutie isn't he?" Ezra said, and his voice was closer. His hands ruffled my hair before gripping my hair and sharply pulling my head up, and he looked down at my face with a scowl. "He still needs to be taught some manners though." He said, and the stranger walked over and seemed to be examining his face before nodding his head, and I hoped that was a good thing.

"What have you done so far?" The stranger asked quizzically as he looked down at my back with a slightly disgusted look. 

"Hm... I've taken out his both of his second premolars on the bottom row," Ezra stopped and took out the ball gag, causing me to cough a bit. He gave me no other time to recover as he grabbed my jaw and forced me to face the two, forcing my mouth open as well. My gums were still sensitive since my adult teeth hadn't started growing in yet, and the stranger chuckled as he saw it. "I stabbed him in the side with an ice pick, made him dance for a little while, and whipped him... I should've done more, but I've decided to go easy on him, he's been here for almost five weeks now." Ezra explained, as though he were talking about the weather.

I held back a gasp. Five weeks?! It had felt so much shorter, yet so much longer at the same time.

"Let's catch up, I've been gone on this stupid business trip for three weeks." The stranger said as he wrapped an arm around Ezra, and the two left the room. "Oh yeah, Baby boy come clean up our Kitten." The stranger called before they vanished, and I heard their footsteps retreating before I could no longer head them at all.

A brief minute later softer, faster footsteps came rushing towards the room, and I turned my head to see Darius popping in. He quickly looked over and when his eyes met mine he muttered out multiple apologies, and quickly rushed over to me. He looked around for a moment, before he saw what he was looking for on the nightstand.

Grabbing it he quickly placed them in the lock of the handcuffs, and I realized they were keys. I winced as I sat up and rubbed my sore, cut wrists, and more apologies fell from his lips.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry-- I should've done more I--" His sobs cut him off, and I wasn't sure exactly what to do, so I just put my hand on top of his. "You shouldn't have had to go through this." He whispered, and I wasn't sure whether it was to me or himself. 

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