Chapter 21 - Our future

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September 1, 2019

Alessia and Fergal were currently having some dinner with the guys at a local restaurant. They were just chilling out talking about their day and future wrestling activities, but Fergal didn't seem to be on earth at all, he barely touched his order and he would look away and then look at her smiling at the guys fool comments.

Karl forrowed his eyebrows and clapped his hands in a sign for Luke and him to leave.

"Bye, bye... Little demon girl." Luke stood up and patted Alessia's head sharing a smile.

"Good luck." Karl whispered rubbing Fergal's back as they left and disappear through the window and the bushes outside.

He stood looking at them and then sighed and turn his attention to her, who in a wink of an eye was laying her eyes in his and smiled softly until he placed his hand on hers.

"We gotta talk about something important." He said breaking the silence between both of them.

Alessia gaze skeptically changed, she stared at him in wide opened eyes. "Us...?" She said pointing at her, and then at him.

Fergal quickly recognized she was scared and she might have started imagining that he was cheating on her. "Yes love..." He said in a huge sigh and squeezed her hands tighter.

"Love" was the word she needed to hear from him, her cold hands and her shivers fade away when he held tighter those tiny hands, but still, she was scared about their future, she just got him back and she don't want to let him go, not again!

"You see..." He sighed before continuing. "It's hard for me to think about 2 years ago and the situation we went through when you dated him, I was depressed, I felt anxious and my emotions were consuming me." He said causing her to lose in her thoughts. "And you don't imagine the hell I went through when I moved on with my life and flew back with my family. Even tho I just met you for like 5 months I couldn't get that pretty smile of yours from my mind, there was no day I wouldn't think about you, but picturing with him having a perfect life, beautiful babies, a big house and you know what hurt me the most?" He said giving her his most sincere sight.

"What?" She whispered looking at his eyes and the wounds he still had in his heart.

"The fact that you both loved each other and everyone accepted your relationship with him, I felt forgotten, useless by my fans." He stuttered. "Cause everyone commented your pictures, his pictures and they would say you guys made the perfect couple." He said looking away. "And that Alessia, that killed me until I came back." His voice finally broke; trying to hold the tears he guide his look to the ground.

Alessia felt his pain and understood what he went through, because she was also affected from that toxic triangular relationship. She clearly knew she never loved Seth as much as she loves Fergal, she always knew that he was the missing piece and the reason why she never felt complete.

"Fergal." She said placing her hands on his getting his attention as they both crashed their sights on each other. "You gotta know and understand that not most of the fans were on his side. I remember how I would be insulted and disrespect after hearing all those rude comments on how much you loved me and the things you did for me and I didn't appreciate it and I changed you for him." Her voice broke and his heart broke after hearing those words from her and what she went through while he was gone.
"And that really broke my heart." That's when she burst in tears.

Fergal felt sorry for making her, he stood up from his seat and walked unto her until hugging her tight as she laid her head on his chest. "My love. I'm sorry for letting us happen this, I shouldn't have let you go, they way I acted was stupid, instead of fixing those things I let you under someone's else chest and you clearly weren't happy. I know I was happier with you." He whispered on her ear and press a kiss on her chick. "I love you Alessia, I do and you can't imagine how much." He added. "That's what I wanted to talk about us and our future. I want to spend the rest of my life creating a beautiful family, a big house on the other part of the world, I want to travel around by he world with you and only you, there's no other girl I would want to share my life with. And I know you don't like rushing into things, but I'll give you time to think about it because, it's something I just wanted to talk to you, you know... Hum- so if one day I ask your hand and you don't-"

Alessia, whose head was buried on his chest, she smiled up at him and pressed her lips on his. "I really love that side from you." She laughed looking at him and his shocked face. "Whenever your nerves dominate you, your hands start shaking, your body trembles and you then you stutter every single word." She smiled.

"And?" He forrowed his eyes and grinned from ear to ear.

"I love it." She said completing the phrase.

"That's why I love you more my little girl." This time he was the one who ate her in a deep kiss.

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