Chapter 1 - I'm back

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Finn Balor is back to Monday Night Raw

July 8, 2019

A familiar theme hit, the lights went out, suddenly a heart beat starts being heard causing an electrifying reaction in the whole arena.

Then the beat starts causing goosebumps on the audience, flashes were everywhere and there was an ecstatic wave on the seats.

In all of a sudden that familiar figure starts throwing his hands on the air, smiling at the audience once again, that persons seemed to be enjoying his moment.

Corey Graves: "Oh my gosh! Finn Balor is back!" He said causing excitement on the crowd.
Michael Cole: "That's the same Finn Balor we hadn't seemed for two years."
Commentator 3: "Ladies and gentleman what you have been waiting for!"

"Feels good to be back home!" He smiled watching the crowds ecstatic reaction. "Ladies and gentleman, kids and audience at home." He paused still smiling. "Finn Balor is back!" He yelled causing the crowd to chant the Yes chants. "You know, 2 years ago I left because of some issues I had to fix." He grinned. "But finally I got off with them and I'm back!" He added in his Irish accent.

After his segment everyone in backstage was giving him the welcoming back.

"Finnie!" Bayley was the first to give him he welcoming hug. "It's been a long time." She hugged her best friend.

"Bro!" Sami gave him a bro hug, as Finn happily hugged him back.

Luke and Karl came from the other side of the arena looking furious at Finn, they cracked their knuckles.

"Come here bro!" They two hugged him. They sincerely missed their little bro.

As soon as everyone finished welcoming him back, they were all getting ready for the Finn's celebration at the night club.

Alessia was packing her stuff at the women's locker room, nobody was there. The whole women roster were welcoming Finn back, but she decided not to go.

Suddenly Alicia opens the door kind of celebrating and making noise.

"Why so happy girl?" Alessia laughed giving her a strange glance.

"Haven't you seen!" She said hysterically. "Finn is back!" She yelled shaking Alessia from the shoulders.

Alessia didn't know ho to react to the announcement, she was pale and shivering.

"That sounds cool." She smiled so fake grabbing her things ready to go for Seth.

Alicia shut the door looking at her with such and angry face. "Don't be rude!" She yelled. "Leave things in the past, past is past and present is here. You are living, life gives circles." She sighed grabbing Alessia's hand.

"Foxy!" Alessia snapped. "I did, it's just gonna be wierd." Alessia said confused looking for the exact word. "If that's the word to say that he is here again and our ended so bad." She sighed making her way back to the door.

Never Let Go - Finn Balor x Seth Rollins x Character Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat