Chapter 16 - Shatter like glass

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August 18, 2019

8 hours before the show

"Morning everyone!" Alessia said with a grin as she entered the kitchen where Fergal's mom was preparing breakfast.

"Lessia!" His niece Sierra ran and jumped on her arms. "Hi cute girl!" Alessia smiled holding her on her arms.

Leonie smiled and stared at her, playing with the little girl. "I bet you will be a great mother." Leonie said receiving a smile from Alessia.

As soon as they were all enjoying their breakfast Alessia received a call from her dad, they were about to land in New York.

"Thanks you so much Mrs. Devitt, this Irish plate was so delicious, I'm sorry love I gotta go." She said kissing Fergal's cheek. "Dad is at the airport." She said before running to the car.

"Mom! Dad!" She yelled running to hug her parents as they received her with wide open arms.

"My girl will make history once again!" Her dad said kissing her forehead.

Once their family met each other, they never stopped talking about their childhood experiences and what she and him did. Embarrassing moment for them.


I hugged all the women who were going to wrestle me for the RAW Women's Championship; they clearly knew that a promo didn't mean that I really think and express like that about them. I do respect them and admire each and everyone's work.

All this woman revolution is possible due to their talents and effort they have put through the years, it's just not everyone has the same push as others.

"Good luck girls." Alessia said hugging Becky and Sasha; they hugged her back and pray so everything could go well.

"I want you to make me walk on the bow Kairi." Alessia gave her a smile.

"Come here my champion!" Kairi grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into a hug.

The whole women roster were giving their good luck for tonight's match.

"I just want to say that I couldn't be more proud of you all, you all have worked so hard that there's nothing else to prove to the world and people out there. You have proved that women can move mountain and break barriers." Stephanie pulled each women into a hug. "I couldn't be more proud." She cried.

It was time for Finn's match, he was at the gorilla waiting for his number. He seemed to be trying to concentrate, he would look at the ceiling, then at the ground and finally sigh.

"I want you to steal away that championship from him." He felt some arms wrap around his waist.

He smiled and turned around looking at the most beautiful woman. "I will love, I promise." He said kissing her forehead.

Finn Balor vs Roman Reigns USA championship, no disqualification match

Last minutes of the match...

Never Let Go - Finn Balor x Seth Rollins x Character Where stories live. Discover now