Chapter 11 - Back

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August 5, 2019

After being away from wrestling activities Alessia Westcott was finally back! She is cleared psychological to compete again. She heeled the pain she felt after Seth's situation.

The whole roster received her with their deepest condolences, they knew about what happened between Seth and her, some others already knew about him hidding the letters and some just couldn't believe that was the reason of the split up.

Dean and Roman were acting cold towards Alessia, they would always hang backstage and make jokes to each other but since Finn came back they turned cold against her. And Seth didn't make his appearance on any show or live event causing everyone to wonder where he is now.

"Lessia!" Sasha carried Alessia from her waist and twirled her around. "You never answered my calls!" She added desperate.

"Neither did she answer mine!" Becky scolded as she walked towards them.

Alessia just giggled and covered her face trying to run away.

"No way you little girl! What happened?" Becky folded her arms as she guide Alessia to a chair in the corner. "Now tell us!"

Alessia sighed and confessed everything. "Well Im just waiting for Hunter to call me." She pointed to Stephanie who was coming towards them.

"Excuse me Alessia." Stephanie smiled and hugged her. "We are so glad you are back, and we are sorry about the stuff we exposed you to; we really need to talk to you about your new story lines, which don't involve you or them, please come with me."

Alessia did as she was told and left the girls behind; later she was at Vince McMahons office, Hunter was there too and Stephanie.

"Alessia Westcott." Vince sighed placing his hand on hers. "I'm so sorry, you dont know how ashamed I feel for letting this situation happen, it all went personal leading into this, exposing your life as a wrestler and their personal lifes. I just want you to be okay, you are our top star and I don't want this to happen again, so... would you forgive me?" He gave her that cute puppy face.

"Yes, its okay. I mean I agreed on being part of this storylines and it's also my fault." Alessia asnwered back.

"No Alessia, dont say that." Hunter stepped in front. "As owners of this company we want the best for it, but exposing you wasn't the good way. And we posted earlier this day a report that Cathy Kelley's name and character has been removed and realized from the company." He added.

"And sweetheart don't worry about Seth, he took some months off from WWE so he won't be here around; but I'm so sorry." Stephanie hugged her. "Not only for exposing you, for the things you have been through this last 2 years, you're so young to be going through a lot of stress." She really sounded disappointed.

"I get it, you guys are apologizing I'm just wondering on which new storyline Ill be involved in."

"Well that's hard to talk about, because you just came back after being under such a stress and hard situation." Stephanie answered.

"Its okay, just whatever it is, I'll give my best." Alessia asnwered.

"Summerslam is approaching and you are the champion, so I guess you will defend your championsip and we are thinking that you should defend it against the whole roster." Vince replied as he look to the script.

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