Chapter 15 - Future Mrs. Devitt

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August 12, 2019

Monday Night Raw

Finn Balor and Roman Reigns promo

Finn Balor's theme hit and the whole arena went wild, just like every time his theme hits and he makes his entrance.

Michael Cole: "That smirk tells me something great his has in mind."
Corey Graves: "So true, he is back and he will be having a great match at Summerslam.

"Do you guys wonder what Finn Balor is doing here in the ring?" He smirked and pointed to the Summerslam poster. "July 8, 2019. I made my return-" the loud cheers interrupted him. "If I remember, rightly I said I wanted the USA championship tight around my waist due Summerslam, and I still wonder if the big dog is willing to defend his championship against the demon king?" He demanded with a huge smile planted in his face as the crowd began chanting.

He stood waiting for Roman until his theme hit and behind all of those boos he finally made his way up to the ring. "You, asking for a championship opportunity?" He smirked. "Are you Kurt, so you can't schedualize matches?"

"No, I'm not Kurt. I'm Finn Balor!" He made his accent sound loud and clear for the crowd to cheer at him. "Tell me, how many times do I have to beat you and prove that I deserve that championship?" He pointed to the championship on Roman's shoulder.

Roman just smirked down at the championship, then he stared looking at his them blue eyes, when in all of a sudden Finn was laying in pain on the mat after a spear from Roman. He walked towards the microphone and grabbed it and began walking towards Finn. "I want you to prove it tonight!" Roman said revealing the main event of tonight's RAW.


Finn finally made his way backstage with the help of some medical staff and referees, behind the curtain Alessia was leaning on Becky's shoulder waiting for him.

"Is he okay?" She asked trying to get their attention, but the hall was crowded, so her voice could barely be he heard.

He smiled at her voice, it made him feel alive, that any pain he felt was just nothing.

"There you are love." He smiled as he finally reached her hand and squeezed it. "I'm okay, it was just like the spear you executed on me 2 years ago." He giggled leaning towards the wall.

"But 200 pounds were crashed against your body!" Alessia said sarcastically receiving a smile from him.

"Get ready for your promo." He said grabbing a strand of hair and placed it behind her ear. "Kill it." He smiled pecking her lips.

Women's promo

Promo after promo, and match after match for the Summerslam storylines matches, it was now time for the women.

Alessia's theme hit and the arena booed her name. She walked down the ramp wondering if it was because of the break up with Seth or her heel turn and laughing about the women's revolution.

"Wow! I had never been disrespected in my life until now; thanks New Jersey." She clapped sarcastically all the way to the ring. "So, I'm not here to listen to dumb and stupid boos at my name so I'll just keep going with what I have to say." She smiled at all of those fans who turned on her. "Well, I do have to recognize that this women have been killing it to be contenders for a championship opportunity." Her words sounded sincere, the crowd that was against her, we're now by her side again. "But... When I say the word killing it, it's not literally." She smirked and once again the boos could be heard all over the arena. "Friendships have turned into rivalries, members of teams have turned against each other, and I can just keep going." She laughed.

Never Let Go - Finn Balor x Seth Rollins x Character حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن