Chapter 1- A Bad Feeling

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The light slits of Coruscanti sunlight streaked over the secret marital bed of 500 Republica, late the next morning. Bathing a young, snoozing husband in its warm, radiant glow. The first thing Anakin Skywalker was aware of when he gained consciousnesses in the bright shadow over his and his wife's bed was a relentlessly pounding migraine behind his groggy eyes. That, and a strange, overwhelming sense of wrongness... even guilt that struck him from nowhere. 

Cracking open his eyes, Anakin grumbled to himself as he pressed the palm of his hand to the ache in question, rubbing it in soothing circles in a futile attempt to chase the hammering away. It was of rare occurrence that he got a headache, he realized, flopping back down against the plush pillows muttering curses to himself as if that would help the sun disappear so he could doze off again. 

Perhaps the pain wasn't due to any illness though. Anakin began to theorize as he avoided the suns piercing rays of sadistic mocking. It seemed to pulse harder against his mind whenever he tried to think about anything besides quelling this irritable agony tearing apart his corpus callosum. It only became unbearable however, when he tried to recall the night before. At that train of elusive thought, the strange feeling of guilt smoldered, the steam from its brew of questions messing with his foggy brain. 

Thinking back however, despite the discomfort, Anakin tried to pinpoint the bizarre night before. No bars crossed his mind, nor any consumption of alcohol his master would often chide him for drinking. Not even a memory of crawling into bed with his angel for a kiss goodnight, something he treasured all throughout the long missions far too much to simply forget. He was given no answers for his pain filled musings. Just a inexplicable headache and an even more perplexing sense of looming guilt. 

With a long, tired groan, he flicked out an uncontrolled arm to see if Padmé could get him something to squash this insufferable repeated pounding in his head, but was met with nothing but an empty dent where her sweet scent of roses drifted. Cocking a brow, it was only then he began to wonder... 

What time is it?

Suddenly, right beside his bed, an ear shattering ring pierced through his hazy mind, permanently rupturing his auditory canal for the rest of his young life with an obnoxious laughter as he yelped from both fright, and a spike in his headache. He crushed a pillow over his splitting eardrums in a fruitless attempt to silence the racket that deafened him, swearing up a storm, but he soon realized this was one battle the great Hero With No Fear would not win. 

Fumbling with little knowledge still of what was going on, he finally clutched the infuriating device in his mechanical hand, half tempted to crush it, with a scowl etched deep on his lips. Immediately, he slapped the comm link alive as if imagining the persons face smirking on it. 

He swore. If this is Obi-Wan calling for some stupid-


Kriffing Sith Hells!

The cheerful voice screeched through him, despite the normally calm tone Obi-Wan usually used. He probably wasn't even that loud, but the volume in his head was thundering stronger than an exploding grenade. His hand flew to his aching forehead, cussing under his breath as he recoiled from his annoying smiling best friend. Always the morning person...

Anakin's greeting was yet another invective as he dropped the comm back to the table and resumed rubbing down his features with increasing ire. 

 "Well good morning to you too my grouchy friend." 

Anakin could basically see that bearded smirk, so in turn, he hoped Obi-Wan could see the exasperation rolling his pained eyes.  "Yes. well. Thank you so much for giving me a premature deafness before you old man." The second he said the playful insult however, Anakin could sense the foggy cloud, striking his skull with its lightning, tinge a few shades darker. 

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