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                                                                        Chapter Fifteen
                                                                        (Harry's P.O.V)
               I didnt want to wake up because I didnt want to leave Kylie. I know its only a couple days but... I love her. "Come on Harry get up your going to be late for your flight." Kylie said sounding sad.

"Whats wrong babe?" I said kissing her cheek.

"I dont want you to leave." She said frowning.

"I'll be back before you know it, now come on get ready and your comming to the airport with me." We both got ready (IN DIFFERENT SHOWERS! I know what your thinking... -_- I am ashamed.) and left for the airport. When we got there, fans were waiting for us there. How did they know we were going to be here...? Oh well Paul led us through the fans I kept Kylie close to me. Of corse we took a couple pictures and signed some autoprghs. When they called my flight we both stood up. I pulled her into a hug that lasted a long time. "Remember I will be back before you know it." I whispered to her.

"I'll miss you Harry, I love you." 

"I love you too." I kissed her for a long time not wanting to let her go... But they called my flight again. 

" Second and final call for the 2:00 flight to cheshire, england." The voice over said.

"I'll be back soon." I said and I left.

                                                                     (Kylie's P.O.V)
    I know everyone says seperation is good but in my case, it sucks. I say if you love someone be with them 24/7. I have never in my entire life felt about anyone the way I feel about Harry. I really love him more than anything in the world. After Harry left Paul drove me home. (considering I cant drive.) "Kylie are you ok?" Paul said looking over my way.

"What? Oh yeah im fine..." I said looking at him and then out the window.

"You really love him dont you?" Paul said. I nodded my head.

"Well I know for a fact, that boy loves you more than anything. You know Harry comes and talks to me about alot of stuff you know because the boys usually make fun of him for just about everything. Kylie he never does stop talking about you! When he says he loves you better beleive him because he really does!" 

"Thanks for telling me that Paul." I said smiling and blushing. He just laughed and continued to drive me home. When we reached my house I got out of the car. "Hey Paul do you want to come in and have some lunch or something?" I asked.

"No thanks I have to get to the airport and go home myself." 

"Ok well, thanks for the ride and everything, bye." 

"Have a nice thanksgiving Kylie, see you later." He drove off and I walked inside. I came inside and all the boys were already gone home and the girls went home to get ready for the holiday. I ate some lunch and just basicly did nothing all day.

          "KYLIE GET UP AND GET IN THE SHOWER!" My mom said waking me up. I got up and litterally walked into the door forgeting I had to turn the knob. I got in the shower and started singing torn. When I got out I did what I usually did and listened to my Ipod while I fixed my hair. I put on some denim skinny jeans, a Grey long sleeve areopostale shirt that had a few buttons near the top (I kept a few of  them undone), a white tank top under that, and black and white high top converse. I did my makeup, put my phone in one poket and my Ipod in the other, and we left to my cousins house. (on my moms side with everyone on my moms side) When we got there I walked in an sat on the couch pulling out my phone and getting on Instagram. As you can tell I wasent in such a happy mood since Harry was gone. "Hey Kylie!" My cousin Jake said walking up and sitting next to me on the couch.

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