- Chapter 82

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Why did things become like this?' Hoshi inwardly wondered.

Why and when did his sisters... stop being his sisters?

Hoshi still remembered his childhood. Back then, he played happily together with Rion and Kotomi.

His sisters definitely weren't like this back then; they were as simple and innocent as other girls their age, just a little smarter and cuter.

Hoshi had been proud of his sisters back then since they could do anything, and they always did it well while taking care of their weak-willed younger brother.

The memory which left him with the deepest impression was the time where he'd accidentally enraged a wild dog and was desperately scrambling to shake it off his tail. His sisters rushed over to his side, and despite their fear, risked being bitten in order to drive it off.

This memory had turned hazy with the passing of time, but the image of his sisters smiling at him with teary eyes remained clear.

But as for now...

Just where did things go wrong for them to become this way? Hoshi really didn't know.

He had been angry and even loathed them while they were abusing him, but now that he had calmed down, he discovered that there was no rage within him, only sadness.

Hoshi thought about himself after considering everything.

He'd always been consciously and unconsciously avoiding the truth; that was why he had been unable to see his sisters for what they really were before this.

If he could have found out sooner, perhaps he could have done something about it?

Yes... that was the case.

He was so useless. If only he could have thought more clearly or smartly, he could have done something before his sisters reached their current state!

'I... I'm so weak.' Hoshi fell into a state of self-deprecation.

If only he could become stronger, or if he had thought this way much earlier, or met someone like Harano-senpai much sooner...

'That's right—Senpai. What's Harano-senpai doing now? How is he... after discussing things with my sisters!?'

Hoshi finally returned to his senses and realized that it wasn't time for him to wallow in his thoughts; he should be worrying about his Senpai.

A concerned expression appeared on his face.

"Are you worrying about Seigo?" A gentle voice sounded out next to him.

It was the beautiful upperclassman named Mika Uehara.

Hoshi felt that this friend of Senpai's had dainty features. An aura of freshness hung about her, and she had a gentle attitude with a friendly personality. She was quite the charismatic girl.

"You don't need to worry too much about him—Seigo's really strong... Especially when he needs to protect something important to him." His female upperclassman seemed to think of something as a tinge of red crept into her cheeks.

Could she... possibly? Hoshi noticed something strange about her behavior.

"Oh my, are you thinking about your romantic times together with him?" A casual flirtatious voice spoke out from behind them. "You're acting like a girl in love in front of your junior, you know~"

This was Chiaki Wakaba, Senpai's other classmate and good friend.

She enjoyed wearing the boys' school uniform for some reason, but it was totally suited for her.

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