- Chapter 48

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Seiji returned home, washed up, changed clothes, and headed for school.

Even though he hadn't slept all night, he wasn't all that fatigued—a one-time all-nighter had little impact on his vastly strengthened body.

As he headed downstairs, he found Mika waiting at the landing for him.

"Good morning." Mika smiled and handed him a lunchbox, "Here you go."

"Good morning. Thanks for preparing my lunch today as well." As usual, Seiji accepted the favor from the Uehara family.

After greeting each other, the two of them spoke no further and exchanged a smile before heading together towards school.

"I considered many things last night." Only after walking a while did Mika slowly begin speaking while keeping her gaze fixed on Seiji.

"If you're wondering if I was shaken... I was definitely shaken to some extent, but not because I doubted you or anything. You had your reasons for saying what you did towards those twins, and I believe in you." A resolute light shone in Mika's eyes as she continued: "I believed you... but I was still shaken, not because of doubts, but rather... because I wasn't able to comprehend. Chiaki wasn't shaken at all. Although she told me she was rather surprised, she trusted in you and was able to understand you. But as for me, I wasn't able to understand your way of thinking... or hers. That's the true reason why I was shaken and disappointed." Mika lowered her head.

"I... felt a distance between us. Even though I already felt that there were some differences between me and Chiaki, I felt it even more strongly with you this time, that's why..."

'That's why I felt so pained.

'My chest hurt, like there was something congested.

'Even though one is my best friend, and the other is the person I like... Even though they're right beside me, I can't follow their way of thinking.'

Mika Uehara felt melancholy about it all.

"Hey, Seiji, what should I do? Just how can I understand you and Chiaki better?"

Seiji looked directly into her eyes and smiled. He raised his hand and patted her head.

Mika was surprised at the sudden contact, but her face began to turn red at the warm and comforting feeling.

"Just take things slowly, and if you meet any problems, simply ask or think, and you'll be able to understand. There are some things that you still can't notice yet, Mika, or maybe you won't think of them. It's not because you're an idiot—it's because you're still inexperienced. Being the way you are isn't a bad thing. I suspect Chiaki befriended you precisely due to your innocent nature, and I... I think that you're cute like this."

'C... cute?' Mika's face burned up even more.

'Hey, isn't this the first time Seiji's praising me as cute!? Ahh—how embarrassing!'

"Chiaki and I aren't quite as simplistic. You already know about me, and as for Chiaki... she probably has her own circumstances as well." Seiji failed to notice her embarrassment as he continued.

"You're the simplest one among us, and that's exactly why you bring us... relaxation? I don't know how to put it into words, but regardless, you're an important friend of ours, and that won't change. It doesn't matter if you completely understand our way of thinking or not; you're still our friend, so you don't need to feel anxious. Just do as you like."

He retracted his hand upon finishing his speech.

Mika instantly felt disappointed that he was no longer patting her head, but she didn't allow the disappointment to appear on her face.

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