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POV: Jiho

"So what's the plan genius?" Arin asked me as we watched a girl from a far. 

"The plan is to get together this crew." 


"Because.. That's what we were told to do." I told her. 

"Yes but why? I still don't understand what exactly are we fighting?" She asked me. 

"CRIME!" Hyojung said loudly while attracting hella attention. 

"Shut up genius." I said kicking her. 

"Don't kick me." She said kicking me. I caught her foot and pushed her back so she jumped on my back. 

"Get off crazy." I told her. 

"What? Put a wet finger in your ear?" 



"HYOJUNG!" I said complaining. 

"Stop acting stupid." Seunghee said. She was always the one who made the most sense. Me and Hyojung would always start wrestling out of no where. Arin was.. actually Arin never really pays attention so.. I have no idea. Seunghee though. We get on her nerves. 

"Yes mom." We said at the same time. 

"Stop calling me that.. Like I'm ridiculous for telling you guys to stop attacking each other." 

"Okay mom." We said again. She groaned.

"Guys guys guys.. She's coming over here." Arin said hitting me softly in the arm. 

"I'll get her." Hyojung said. I grabbed her arm. 

"fat chance. Do you really think I trust you that much?" 

"It dosen't matter. I'm the leader." 

"Who the fuck made you the leader." 

"I did."

"Well I un-make you leader."

"I un-un- make me leader."

"Well I-"

"OH MY GOSH YOU BOTH CAN JUST GO" Seunghee said irritated with us. 

"Make friends they said. It will be so much fun they said." She mumbled to herself. 

"Alright let's go agent Hyojung." 

"Roger that agent Jiho." She said putting up her fist. I flinched 

"Why'd you flinch?"

"I thought you were gonna punch me."

"No give me my fist bump you're leaving me hanging." She said. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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