U & I

205 11 0

POV: Jiho

"So why did I forget about you? Why did we get separated?" Me and Arin had just stoped crying. Ever time she would start crying she would look at me and start crying again which made me cry. 

"Well the thing about our powers is... How do I explain?.  . You know that thing on tv where it's like 'with great power comes great responsibility'? " I nodded.

"Well it's like that except instead of us getting responsibility we get people wanting to kill us."

"Oh..  Well fuck"

"Language" Arin answered with a small giggle

"Why do they want to kill us?"

"Well not humans more like demons" I waited for her to go on

"They don't benefit from it they just genuinely like to see people suffer. Humans they know how to come together to defeat threats but us we hide and there are few of us. "

"But we are with the humans we look like them, we act like them,  we live like them"

"Geez haven't you ever seen a science-fiction kdrama. All the mystical creatures live in hiding since people are naturally scared of the unknown and consider those strong than them dangerous."

"I see.  So I have to keep my powers a secret ?"

"Yes... For now"

"Okay. I understand.  Is there anything else I should know?"

"Probably but I can't remember right now.  Anything you want to know? "

"Probably but I can't remember anymore"

"We should probably get going. I'm going to be in so much trouble since my parents are so over protective. "

"Well with all those dangers I'm not surprised"

"Yeah but they don't know about them"

"Huh? "

"Oh yeah don't tell your parents. BYE!" she said while running out. 

I gathered up my thing and I left as well.  I tried wrapping my head around everything is was just told. When you think about it.   It's actually quite dark. At least I had Arin to go through it with me. 


Another chapter!!!  Wee woo wee woo" there might be a double update but idk.  I want to introduce Hyojung today.

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