Best of my ability

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"Jiho can I talk to you before you go?" The teacher asked me before I left. This teacher had become my favorite. She always wanted to challenge me and I would never turn down a challenge. And I'd never lose one. I think I am her favorite student as well.

"Yeah." I told her before telling Hyojung and Arin to go on with out me. They waved bye. They knew where to go by now and they knew that they'd be seeing Seunghee who they seemed to be getting closer to everyday. 

"Don't worry about being late I'll give you a pass." She told me as she walked to sit as her desk. I stood in front of it and waited for her to speak.

"Jiho you are crazy smart. Like really you know things that most grown ups don't know. Even the most educated ones." She started complimenting me. Something told me it wouldn't stay that way though. The atmosphere told me she didn't call me here to commend me on my extensive knowledge.

I stayed silent.

"Why don't you put the things you know to use?" She asked me. I looked at her confused.

"People just like you. Smart people made things that shake this world. My gosh people dumber than you do the same. You know how to do things. Brilliant things." She explained herself.

"I suppose I just never thought out things that way. I read and I took in the information. I never thought of things I could do with it." I told her. It was the truth. I just learned and moved on to the next days. I've got books on books of information locked in my brain. Like my very own brain library.

"Here Jiho. How about this. I sign you up for a science fair. It's a really big deal. Geniuses all over the country come and compete. I think you got a good chance at getting first place." She told me. I was complete flabbergasted. I had never been given this type of opportunity. It was a big deal for me. I hope I won't disappoint her.

"Are we talking about teleportation level genius?" I asked her.

"We're talking about robot level genius."

"Ugh I can do that in my sleep." I said laughing.

"Can you?" She asked. I nodded surly. It's not hard at all.

"Yeah. Woah this is going to be so easy." I said before leaving the room excitedly.

I thought and thought about what I could do. I didn't want to hinder myself in anyway. It proved to be harder than I had thought.

"Ugh my phone died!  Why does this thing die do quickly just because I forgot to turn it off?! It's not like I've been on it!" Arin complained as we walked to my house. Then it clicked.

I got a great idea for what to do. As soon as she said that. It'd wow everyone for sure. I think.

I worked om it for a while. It wasn't that I was confused or anything. I just kept finding to new ways to improve it. I couldn't wait to show everyone once I was done. I gathered my mom, Arin, Seunghee, and Hyojung downstairs.

"What is it Jiho?" Mom said irritated because I was taking forever to show them what I worked on. 

"Someone give me their phone." I said holding out my hand. Arin plopped my phone in her hand. The first to volunteer because she actually trusted me. Hyojung couldn't because she didn't have one. If she wanted on I could probably just make her one but she didn't care at all. She just played on mine if she was bored.

"Alright so I'll just go to your wifi settings. And connect it to 'firstplaceforJiho' put in the password. Which is 'JihoWins'. And then bam" I said giving her back her phone.

She made a proud face. She jumped up and down excitedly.  She was so cute. I suppose she's tired of me telling her that. I told her about everyday.

"You know how to make wifo that's do cool! My Jiho is so cool" she said hugging me.

"Hey look at your percentage." I told her motioning to her phone. She looked and when she saw she hit me playfully. It still hurt but it was meant to be playful.

"100%? what in the heck?" She said surprised. Everybody else looked amazed as well.

"Yeah. As long as your connected to this internet you'll stay at 100." I explained as though it was no big deal. Everybody looked so surprised. It was so enjoyable. 

"Jiho that amaz-" Arin started to say but I wasn't done. I needed to make sure no one beat me that means adding bells and whistles.

"It also does this." I went to our internet and tapped on the screen I had put there. I went to the option with Arins phone and out in the on the go code. 

"Jiho when did we get a screen there?" My mom asked.

"I put it there." I told her still setting up everything correctly.

"How?" She asked amazed.

"With hours and hours of work. You know how competitive I am this fair is a battle and I'm going to win." I told her. She still looked surprised.

"Look I even hurt myself." I said showing her a scar I had gotten on my finger. I had to work with tools and chemicals and stuff like that. It was not easy. Some of this stuff was hard to get my hands on. Other parts I just had to make myself.

"I knew you were smart but this is next level. I'm so proud of you." My mom said giving me a tight hug and millions of kisses. 

"To be honest. Everything just seemed to go together. Like legos. You know?  Like you know in the Lego movie how master builders move all fast and stuff like that. That's how it is for me" I explained to everyone. No one got it but Arin who was nodding. She must feel that way with her specialty.

"We are all so proud of you!  Usually you're an idiot." Hyojung said said sitting next to me after ruffling my hair. That's a compliment for her. That's the best I'm gonna get. 

"Thank Hyojung." I said rolling my eyes.

"Jiho this is really cool. You'll definitely win. You could even make money off of this stuff." Seunghee said sitting across from Hyojung at the table. Arin sat across from me. 

"I'm pretty sure you have to be 1 million times better with money than I am" I told her. I am not responsible with money at all. 

And about winning the fair. I think I can do it. I really want to do it right. I think it'd be very cool to win.

I guess I'll find out tomorrow.


Long time no see guys. I kept on pushing off updating this because of pure laziness. I was really in the mood to update this though so.... Also isn't Jiho a real genius. That she is. You'll come to find out that everyone with these specialties is good at them in a almost godly way. And also do you think Jiho will win?  Yes? No ? Maybe?  Let's see.

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