That's Crazy

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POV: Jiho

Arin the cutie had just told me she was ready to tell me everything.

"The truth is you're VERY VERY special.  You have powers that have to do with the mind.  It comes from being apart of a group of people who specialize in different types of things.  And nobody knows much of anything about it.  It's one of the most mysterious things ever. It can be really annoying .I guess you could call them super powers." She said trying to explain. 

I thought for a while.  So she had explained the whole powers or whatever thing hut not anything about her. 

"How do I know you? " I asked simply.  She took a deep breath and thought for a while about how to put it. 

"We used to know each other but you forgot.  Think of it kind of like a past life.  Before we had grown up together but always went around each other then met in 9th grade. We discovered our powers together. My powers are revolve around health.  As far as I know I am only a genius when it comes to medical shit.  Nothing too special."

"First.  Nothing too special?  That's a bunch of crap.  Second watch your mouth,  and third what do you mean "as far as I know"?"
I said. This was all quiet spectacular but I couldn't deny it. I was experiencing it. Plus I know deep down inside  it's true.

"Well you're powers come randomly and no one knows how many is the limit or anything.  Its a very recent thing.  Very mysterious.  And VERY hard to wrap your head around.  People could go their whole lives without knowing their full potential. "
That's actually pretty weird.  Doesn't that mean that's everybody else could be special there is just some strange reason theirs never come.

"Why'd you come back?  Why'd you find me? Was it really a coincidence?" I asked. I was just letting my mouth run.




"Why do you lie? You know I'll know"


"Just tell the truth"


Well that was easier than expected.

"I couldn't be without you.  It physically hurt.  I think it was my powers.  They came once I met you when you left... Everything hurt. My heart hurt especially...  I saw you up here one day.  On the roof. I took a picture of the school name and begged to come here.  Sounds a bit creepy but it's the simplest explanation for what happened"

I was still confused.

"You hurt without me?"

"Yeah it would always be different.  One time it was a head ache one time was back and another time all the energy had been drained out of me and I had to go to the doctors."

I was crying. All this time I thought my situation was bad.  It nothing compared to hers.

I hugged her. 

We sat there together. 

Crying and hugging. Jiho and Arin just how I think things should be from now on


Arin is not done explaining it.  But I'm gonna only use this half cuz I'm already at 512 words well 515 now.  Now more now more.  Okay you get the idea

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