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POV: Hyojung

I don't really know how to feel about going to school again. We ran into a few problems at school when I went as a little kid. They thought I had anger issues. That's ridiculous that girl was asking no begging for an ass whooping.  She got what she asked for. Not that I'm a gangster or anything. Actually I'm probably worse. That's the thought that makes me ashamed .  Ashamed of how and who I grew up with. If you are so wondering what that is,  monsters are what they are.  Scary scary monsters. 

I didn't feel like borrowing clothes so I just waited on the couch for Jiho to be done.  She came down in about 20 minutes

"Can we go now?!" I asked whining

"We have to wait for Arin" she said while sitting on the couch. I wondered who in the world Arin was. I didn't bother ask Jiho who that was I didn't care much.

After what felt like so long I didn't bother keeping track Arin came back.

"Ugh what took you so long? " I said irritated.

"It's literally been two minutes since you sat back down" Jiho said rolling her eyes.

"Whatever let's go" I said walking out of the house.

"Where is your school? " Arin asked once we were . I snorted at that.

"Me school. Oh hell no" I said. Jiho rolled her eyes again.

"She's going to shadow me today. I'll talk to the school"

"They won't let you do that will they? " Arin asked. I forgot that she was new.

"They don't really care much at all. Just give them some shit about her wanting to look around the school and they'll let her come. After that is the hard part. Getting her to behave." Jiho explained

"Hey!  I can behave I'm not an animal"

"I don't know what you are" she fired back.

"I'm confused." Arin said. Jiho said she'd explain later and we started walking to the school. It was a little cloudy at today it would probably rain later I wonder if the little perfect girls were worried about their hair at all.

Upon getting there we went into the office. It was just two desk with a bunch of papers on them and a computer. Nice and simple.

"Hello Miss.  This is my friend she's looking at schools these days and I was wondering if she could shadow me today. "

"Yeah sure." The women at desk number one said. Really?  No papers?  No type of process to go through? Cool

Arin and Jiho split up to go to their lockers. And I followed Jiho to hers and waited for her to get what she needed.

Then someone came up to her locker. It was a girl. She was adorable. Not in the way that some girl act in the way where you'd see her face and go "aww". She was looking in a book and then eventually (still looking at the book)  she asked Jiho a question.

"I need your help with this question that was on the homework" she said pointing to the one see needed help with. Still not noticing my presence. It was starting to bother me.

"I didn't do the homework." She answered closing her locker before leaning against it when she was done.

"What why didn't you do the homework. This was really the only question on there that was challenging and thats coming from me I mean you are the smartest so you would probably-" the girl who I am going to call ramble from now on said.

"I was helping her with so personal issues" Jiho said.

"Helping who? " ramble asked again.

"Me" I said finally getting her attention. She looked at me and turned red and looked down.

"Umm... S-Sorry I didn't notice you" she stuttered making her that much cuter. I laughed at her. Not in a mean way though I promise

"It's okay ramble I don't mind none" I said. I saw Jiho loom at me funny. Why dose this girl seem to think she knows me so well damn. Oh right the whole mind reading thing. .... Oh shit the whole mind reading thing.

"Seunghee I need a favor" Jiho itterupted getting rambles attention away from her shoes

"What watch her for me gotta go" she said before rushing out of the school. That' when I realized. Jiho put anything in her lock. She took something out.

I looked at Ramble again. She had her mouth open I the shape of an o looking the direction Jiho ran.

"Wooowww she's so bad... Well come on lets get to class Ramble"


What ya doing Jiho? 

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