Well Im Not Exactly Human

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POV: Hyojung

"Well I'm not exactly human" I started.  She gave me a look begging me to explain. I thought of the words to use. 

"We're a lot like humans except we come with the urge to kill. Usually. Ugh I don't know I am also a bit confused right now. Apparently our eyes change colors." I tried explaining. But how can you explain something to someone when you don't even understand it.

"Ugh the thing about what me and Jiho are is that we know very little about what we are or where we come from or our past" I said.

"Wait... Jiho?! Jiho is like you? Jiho isn't human?" She said. I realized I just gave away something I shouldn't have.

"What?  Did I say Jiho I met that hoe which is what we call our buddies.hehe " I said trying to restore myself.

"I don't believe you." She said. I pouted.

"What? why?"

"One because you are an awful liar and two because your eyes changed colors." She said.

"They must change with your moods. What dose pink mean then? That's what they were most of the day" she said thinking. I had an idea of what it met but I'd never say.

"We will never know" I said

"Yes we will how you feel" well right now I feel embarrassed I bet my eyes are giving that away to.

"Hey you eyes changed colors. How do you feel now?  We need to write 'em down" she said getting out a pen and papper.

"No you really don't have to." I told her.

"Nonsense it could help." She said.

"Now how do you feel right now?" She asked waiting for an answer. I was just honest with her because there is no point in telling a lie. Plus I was known for my blunt nature.

"Embarrassed. What color was it?" I said bluntly.

"It was like a pinkish purpleish color." She said while writing. 'Pinkish purpleish' on her paper next to the word 'embarrassment'. She has perfect hand writing especially compared to my barely legible hand writing.

"Alright now I just gotta keep up with them... Ugh now I'm excited I don't know why but I am. It feels like the feeling I get when I get a new notebook. Which coincidentally this is." She rambled while I looked at her. I couldn't help but noticed how cute she was all of the time. 

"Your eyes they're pink again. What are you feeling?" She said getting ready to write.

"I'm not sure I-I think.. " I started.

"Come on~!" She said impatiently.

"It might be love. I think" I said looking at her. Her hands froze from writing on her page.

"What? What do you mean?  Stop playing" she said nudging me while turning a bright shade of red.

"I'm being serious" I said. And it was silent for a moment while she covered her face in embarrassment. I smiled at her cuteness. Until she was done and decided to move on and ask more question.

"So you say people like you so....how do you live or used to live."

"We considered ourselves as people who live in the shadows. Real mysterious. But how I see it were like hyenas." I said thinking about the past.

"I won't go into details but it was brutal. So when the let's call him the top dogs daughter decided that she doesn't like the idea of being so cruel... You can imagine the out range. So they take her to a shed and they.. Well yeah I won't talk about that then as time goes by a girl walks in there and saves you out of the blue" I said. Her face was priceless. She looked extremely surprised.

"That's how you got here with her?  Wow... You know you you're real.... Surprising." She said.

"I'll take that as a compliment"


It's a bit long but its alright

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