Chapter 7

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Hailey's P.O.V.

I shouldn't be worrying about what Coco wants to tell me but I am. Knowing Coco, I know she wouldn't say that if it wasn't very important.

"Here is the food and drinks." Gus speaks up as him and Shaun put everything in the kitchen counter.

"Thank you!" Coco and I both say at the same time.

To be honest I am so happy. Not only did I do good in this competition which got me to get higher in my rankings. And also not trying to lie or sound cool but I've never gotten lower than a fourth place and that was that I got in the last Olympics.

Anyways I wanted to mention why I am so happy. This are the reasons: I got in second place in the competition, I am very close with my step-brother and I adore him as my own blood brother. I am being joined in this whole experience with my best friend, Coco, and I am actually starting to have faith in guys again since I've meet Shaun.

"Can you bring me my chicken tenders and champagne?" I ask Shaun as he nods.

"Give me a couple minutes to get thinks set up." I head Shaun comment back.

"Still nothing has happen?" I hear Coco whisper as I turn all my attention back to her.

"Nope." I say in a sad form.

"No, what?" Gus ask from all the way from the kitchen.

"I don't want any of Coco's salad." I say trying to play it cool.

"But you never eat salads, actually you don't even like salads." Gus mentions as Coco and I both nervously chuckles.

"I forgot that." Coco speaks up before Gus drops it.

"Now can we change the channel?" Coco ask as we see the boys nod.

"Go ahead. After all it's your celebration." Shaun speaks up.

"Law & Order?" Coco ask as I nod.

I love Law & Order.


"There's no more champagne." I say sadly as I look at around the kitchen.

"We should be heading to sleep, it's about to be four am." I hear Shaun say from the couch.

"But I'm not sleepy." I say whining before giving Shaun puppy eyes.

"We can watch a movie?" I ask Shaun before he nods.

"Come on!" I tell him before I head over to my room as Shaun follows behind me.

I grab the tv remote before getting on my bed and pulling the covers over me. Soon after Shaun does the same.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Shaun ask me as I smile.

"Final Destination." I say speaking about my favorite movie.

"I love that movie!" Shaun says happily.

"The third one is my favorite one." I exclaim.

"Really? That is also my girlfriend's." Shaun tells me as I look at him.

"Girlfriend?" I ask him as I see regret in his eyes.

"Not like that." Shaun says trying to change what he says.

"Sure. Can we just put the movie?" I ask him as he nods.


"Hailey." I hear someone say my name.

"Mhmm?" I ask as I keep my eyes close.

"Joey is outside." Gus tells me as I open my eyes immediately.

I get out of bed as fast as I can before making my way to the door of the hotel room.

"Joey." I speak up as I open then door before walking out of the room and closing the door behind me.

"I'm sorry. I lied to you on why I came to watch the competition. I came to watch you before I love you. I know I cheated on you and I regret that everyday of my life. I want you back, Hailey. But I know that you don't want me back and I am okay with it if I still get to see you." Joey says and I know he means it because he never talks like this.


Was the only thing I say.

My parents told me that I should forgive people for what they have done but to never fall for their trap again and here I am thinking of what they told me about 10 years ago.

"I do love you Joey. You were my first love and I will always love you because of that but I can't get back together with you. The love I feel for you isn't the same as the one when I first said I love you. If you can take us being friends and nothing more then I would be more than glad to be friends." I continue as I see a smile pop in his face.

"Thank you, I love you." Joey says before kissing my cheeks and walking away.

I turn around before knocking on my own hotel room door since I leave the keys inside.


Soon after Gus opens the door as I'm leave confuse.

"Where is Shaun?" I ask Gus before he shakes his head.

"We should get going back home." Gus tells me as I nod.

"I can't wait to get back home so I can finally meet Henry." I whisper to myself as I walk into the room.

If You Love Me, Leave Her ~ Shaun WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now