Chapter 2

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Hailey's P.O.V.

"Hi." I say not turning around to face him.

I open the fridge before taking a rose champagne out. I close the fridge before going to one o the cabinet and taking a glass. I close the cabinet before turning around to see him.


"I umm could you help me?" I ask him talking about the champagne bottle.

"Yeah." Shaun says before I hand him the bottle.

"I'm Shaun by the way." He says as he starts to open it.

"Hailey." I simply say before he smiles at me.

"Do you know what time Gus' friends are arriving?" I ask him before he shakes his head.

"Ohh." Is the only thing I say as he is still opening the bottle.

"Hailey!" I hear Gus yell.

"I'll be right back." I tell Shaun before rushing out of the kitchen and walking to the living room.

"Yes big brother?" I ask him as I walk into the living room.

"Isn't he hot?" Gus whisper to me before I roll my eyes.

"Uhh, I thought so too. So what where you guys doing?" Gus ask me while he is still whispering.

"He's helping me open the champagne bottle before I go upstairs to go watch Strangers Thing." I explain to my step-brother who I treat like a real brother.

"Ohh and my other friends are coming at 8." Gus tell me as I nod.

"Hey Hailey can you come here to help me?" I hear Shaun yell from the kitchen.

"Speaking of the devil." Gus and I say at the same time.

I take my time while walking to the kitchen. Once I arrive Shaun has the champagne bottle open and he already put some of it in my glass.

"Aww thank you, your the best." I speak up as Shaun is holding his drink in his hand.

"You're welcome." Is the only thing that came out of his mouth before he took a sip of his drink.

We're both looking at each other for a good five minutes.


"Are you getting that?" Shaun ask as my phone who is by the fridge rang.

Wow, I forgot I leave my phone here this morning.

"Oh yeah sorry." I speak up before I walk over to where my phone is.

I don't even look at the ID of the person since I already know by the picture.

The picture is a picture of Coco and I in the Olympics from 2014.

I pick up the call before putting my phone up to my ear.

Phone Conversation:

Hoe 💋:
Biiiiiitchhhh! Where the hell are you? I've knocked on your door for the last five minutes.

You are? Don't you have a date today?

Hoe 💋:
Yes! That's why I'm here, I need your help.

I'll be right there.

End of Phone Conversation

I put my phone back in the counter before looking up at Shaun who's been looking at me while I'm on the phone.

"Everything alright?" Shaun ask as I nod.

"Yeah, it's just some girl problems. I'll see you around." I tell him before I walk past him and head to the front door.

Once I reach the door, I open it immediately to reveal a messed up

"I thought I gave you a key?" I say but it's more of a question as I move aside so Coco can walk in.

"I did but I lost it." Coco responda as I nod before she walks in.

"What's wrong?" I ask her as I close the door once she walks in.

"I don't know what outfit to wear." Coco ask as we both start walking towards my room upstairs.

"Where is the date going to be?" I ask her.

"He said that I'm meeting his family in his house. That's the problem, I'm going to mess it up." Coco tells me as we start to walk up the stairs.

"Your meeting his parents in just 2 weeks of dating?" I ask shook as she nods.

"I know it's going fast but he's not Joey. He actually cares about me." Coco says before one of Joey's memories comes back.


"Joey!" I say happily as his plane has landed in Hawaii.

I brought Joey home for Christmas of 2015, he already meet my family last Christmas and let me say it was greats. Well we are meeting my family from my dad's side.

"Princess!" Joey does imitating me as he comes over to hug me.

"I thought you weren't going to make it because of your college game." I say to him as he smiles.

"You always come first." Joey says before picking my lips.

"Aww you're the sweetest. Now come on my dad is so excited to see you again." I tell him as he nods before we both walk over to my Jeep.

Ever since my dad meet Joey, he always loves him more than he loves me well that's what he showed.

We both get in my car before I drive to my dad's house. Once we get there,  Joey goes up to unpack and I go to the kitchen to help my dad's girlfriend, Alexa, with the dinner. I don't even know why my dad got a girl who is half his age and could even be my sister.


We all drank too much hard liquor that day at dinner and then we also went to a bar to continue drinking.

We were all in the bar, well we were all divided.

My dad and Alexa are over by a table drinking while Joey and I are in the actual bar.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I hear Joey yell over the loud music before I nod.

After about fifteen minutes of Joey not showing up, I knew at that moment something is wrong.

I get up from my seat and walk over to the guys bathroom to not find him there. Yes, it was awkward since other guys were doing their stuff.

I walk out of the guys bathroom and walk into the girls.

You know when a guy tells you he loves you? Well his lying.

After what I see in the girls bathroom, I rush over to my dad as tears run down my cheeks.

"Cupcake, what is wrong?" My dad ask as I reach him a couple minutes later.

"J-Joey... and... A-Alexa..... sex.... bathroom." Those were the only things you could hear come out from my mouth.

"Are you sure it was them?" My dad ask not believing that I told him as I nod historically.

~End Of Flashback~

"Hailey, come back?" I hear Coco says as she shakes me, making my flashback end.

By now we are both in my room and the door is close.

"Uhh yeah, what's up?" I ask her acting like nothing happen.

If You Love Me, Leave Her ~ Shaun WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now