Chapter 5

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Coco's P.O.V.

"I don't understand why you still can't tell her."
My boyfriend says to me as I shake my head.

"I'm going to find the right moment, right after she competes in the championship." I explain to her.

I'm trying to beat Hailey in the competition to move up in the chart but I want to do it fair and square so I'm not using this as an advantage.

"Sunday?" He ask as I nod.

"I have to get going, I promise Hailey I was going to come over." I tell him before grabbing my keys.

"Good luck, cupcake." He says before he comes over and picks my lips.

Hailey's P.O.V.

After I finish taking a shower and packing up my bags. I head downstairs to find Shaun and Gus watching some old videos my step-dad use to film.

"Oh my god, that is so embarrassing. Take that off." I say as I realize what happens in this video.

My step-dad walks in on Joey and I.

"You sure?" Gus ask as he's laughing knowing what's going to happen.

"Yes!" I say before I rush over to the television and turn it off.

"I wanted to see what happened." Shaun speaks up with a puppy face.

"Maybe another time." I tell him.

"Where is Coco anyways?" Gus ask as I took a seat in between both of them.

"She told me she was packing her bags." I explain to them.

"Hey Shaun, can you go get me some beer?" Gus ask Shaun before Shaun got up and leave to go to the kitchen.

"You and Shaun? I saw him leaving your room this morning and we couldn't find him yesterday at the party." Gus ask, why does everyone care now out of nowhere.

"We are just friends." I explain.

"Not with how you guys look like each other." Gus continue to whisper.

"Can we just drop it?" I ask him as he nods.

"I know you sis. I'm just stating that out there and I promise you that it will work out. He is a nice guy compared to Joey." Gus whisper before I hear footsteps walk closer and closer.

"I'm home bitchessssss!" I hear Coco say as the front door is shut close.

"Living room!" I yell for her to hear.

"Are we all packed up?" I ask as everyone nods.

"I call this a road trip!" Coco says happily.

We all grab our bags and put it in a Hummer car we rented for us and our board to fit.

We made our way to the Malibu and let me tell you it was so fun.



"I'm so excited, today are the semi finals!" I say as I put on my flip flops.

"I'm so proud of you."  Shaun says.

To be honest Shaun and I are only friends but I've gotten to know him and I really like his personality.

Who knew I would be falling for the best snowboarder in the world? The flying tomato with two gold metals!

"I'm nervous because I'm competing against Coco today." I say with a chuckle in the end.

"You'll be fine. You have trained so hard for this and you deserve it." Gus says.

"Let's go." I tell the boys.

I grab my board before heading downstairs. We all walked a good 15 minutes to get to the beach. Let me tell you that it was crowded and we got stopped a lot for pictures and autographs.

I went up to the sign in stand. We have to sign in everyday.

"Hailey Johnson." I tell the receptionist in the stand.

"You will be blue." She tells me before she hands me a Pennie.

"Thank you." I tell her before I grab it and turn around to bump into someone.

I look up to see the person I hate the most.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him as I look anywhere but he eyes.

"I came to support my princess." He spoke up before sending me a wink.

He's always been the flirty type but I know he's not talking about me.

"Where is she anyways?" I ask him.

"She's the one in red." Joey says before he simply walks away as I roll my eyes.

I go back to where Gus and Shaun are.

"Are you alright?" Shaun ask as I nod historically.

"Red. Red. Red." I keep telling myself as I'm breathing faster than normal.

"What are you walking about?" Shaun ask with worry on his face.

"I'll be right back." Gus says before walking away.

"I don't think I can do it." I simply say before Shaun brings me into a hug.

I relax a bit with Shaun's touch.

"You are going to do great, just focus and you can do anything." Shaun tells me as I nod.

"Women's final four please go in the water for warm up!" I hear someone say threw the intercom.

"Focus and you'll be fine." Shaun says before he lets go off me.

I grab my board that is on the sand before going into the water.


As I finish warming up on the waves, my tricks were good but not amazing.

The only thing I could focus is on the color red.

"The Women's finals has started!" The intercom says.


"Good luck, Hailey!" I hear someone yell at me.

I look to my left to tell Coco good luck.

"You're red?" I ask her as she nods.

"Of course, I'm always red." Coco says before she swims away to catch a wave.


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