"I'll take that as a yes"He turned around and walked away. I rolled my eyes and went to my cabin for a shower. When I got in, I stripped myself of clothes and went into the shower.The warm water soothed all my pains as it washed over my body. I showered quickly and turned the water off. I went into my room and pulled out a fresh pair of clothes. I dried my hair and brushed it.There was a knock on my door and I opened it to see Chuck standing there. He nervously smiled.


"Umm, Newt wanted me to tell you that they're starting. You are coming?"He gently smiled"It is good fun"

"Fine, but just for a little while" I told him.

"See you there" He started to walk away but I grabbed hold of his shoulder.He looked at me, terrified.

"We can go together"

"Oh okay" He let out a sigh of relief as I put on my shoes. I closed the door behind me and we walked to the bonfire where everyone was gathered.

"Look, Greenie made it" Gally pointed out as I sat down.Everyone cheered as I rolled my eyes.They began talking and drinking as the fire in the center roared.Chuck seated himself on my right as Newt and Minho walked over with a bottle in their hands.

"Hey ____, glad you came"Newt sat next to me and Minho beside him.


"Here drink this"Minho held out the bottle and I looked at him.

"You want me to drink a bottle with suspicious contents?"He nodded enthusiastically"Yeah, not happening"

"It's a special drink we make on bonfire night"


"Just have a sip"

I peered into the bottle"Did you guys pee in it or something?" They all looked at me before bursting into laughter.

"What?! No, it's just water and some ingredients. Gally makes it"Newt told me.

"Could have guessed"I looked over at him and our eyes briefly met.I had to admit, he was cute, in a bashful kind of way. I looked back to Newt and Minho who were looking at me expectantly.

"It's not too bad" Chuck assured me.

"Here goes " I took off the lid and took a gulp. It burned and I coughed, handing the bottle back to Minho.

"That's bloody awful" I said as they laughed loudly.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" We looked over to see the guys forming a circle.

"What are they doing?"

"They're playing this game Gally came up with. You make a circle, 2 gladers stand inside and they try to push each other out"Chuck explained

"Sounds stupid"

"Eh" Newt replied "Bit of entertainment" They all stood up."You coming to watch ____?"

"Might as well" I stood up and followed them to the circle. It was Gally against some guy, I think his name was Zart. Gally was beating him quite easily, constantly throwing him out of the circle. Finally Zart admitted defeat. Everyone laughed as Gally smirked.

"Who's next?"He peered around the circle and spotted me"What about you Greenie?"I was about to say no when everyone started chanting "Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!" And I found myself pushed into the circle.I turned around to glare at the culprit and found Minho whistling and not meeting my eyes. I turned back to Gally as he explained the rules.

"The aim is to push the other person out of the circle"

"Still stupid"I muttered and he glowered at me. We circled each other and he jumped at me, trying to scare me. I didn't flinch instead giving him a skeptical look. He shoved me hard and I stumbled but caught myself in time.He ran towards me and I swiftly dodged him causing him to almost fall out. I turned and smirked at him. I placed one foot in front of me and and reached out my hand. I beckoned him forward.

"Come on, Captain Gally" I mocked as everyone looked at each other with wide eyes. He spat on the ground and charged towards me. I grabbed his arm and judo flipped him to the ground. He grunted and got up as I moved the hair out of my face. He looked at me and tackled me to the ground. I groaned as he got up with a smirk. No way was I going to be beaten by some arrogant bastard. I swept my leg around his ankle, knocking him down. He stood up quickly and threw a punch at me but I quickly bent my knees back and dodged.I stood up and put my foot on his chest and gave him a hard kick, shoving him out of the circle. There was a silence as we both panted before an explosion of cheers."____! ____! ____!" I smirked triumphantly at Gally who smirked back.

"You're not half bad"

"Funny, I was about to say the same to you" He shook his head at me as Chuck came running up to me, excited.

"That was awesome!"

"Thank you Chuck"

"You were amazing ____!"Newt laughed.

"Yeah, now if we can just get a smile out of you"Minho grinned.

"Good luck with that"I rolled my eyes and started to walk away.

"Hey! Where ya going? We just got started"

"No thanks" I waved goodbye as they groaned"Have fun!"

I smiled to myself as I opened the door to my cabin. Exhausted by today's events, I collapsed in the hammock, not bothering to change.


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