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"Okay we need to get outta here now"Gally grabbed the bag which he had loaded with serum vials and shut the vault door"You stay close to me and _______. Stick together" He handed the bag to the oldest looking kid he saw"You guard this with your life. You understand?"He nodded quickly.

"Let's go"I nodded, slipping on my mask and we opened the door, standing ready for soldiers. We made our way to the parking lot, sticking to the shadows and ducking as we saw soldiers running by"Stay low!"I urged as Gally pulled out his radio.

"Brenda, where are you? We're here"He said before a bus screeched in front of us. We loaded the kids onto the bus, keeping an eye out for the enemy.

"Wait, where's Thomas?"Brenda asked as the kids got on.

Gally and I looked at each other with concern then back at her"We were hoping he was with you"She began to get down but Gally stopped her"Wait! You and ______ stay here with the kids. I'll find him. Just wait for us"

"I'm coming with you"I replied. He sighed and put on his mask.

"We're not going anywhere"Brenda assured us as we ran off. We ran for the top floor lab when all of a sudden Gally pulled me into a pillar. We saw 3 soldiers running for the outer fountain, one of them yelling that the suspects had the test subject. Looking at one another, we realised they were probably talking about Minho, Thomas and Newt. We ran behind them, blending in.

"Don't even think about it"They yelled as Thomas reached for his gun"Get on your knees with your hands in the air"We turned and shot at the soldiers before they could make a move. They lay twitching as we ran towards the guys, pulling off our masks and making Minho gasp.


"Minho"Gally nodded, looking back at the window they had just crashed through"You guys are nuts"

"We'll explain later"I grinned as we ran. We ducked, almost squatting as we ran to avoid the spotlights, finally hiding behind some bushels and trees.

"Well, they're definitely pissed"Gally panted as we caught our breath.

"How far are the tunnels?"Thomas asked.

"Uh, maybe 12 blocks from here"Gally guessed. I felt Newt wheezing beside me before breaking out into a violent cough"We can make it"

"Newt, how are you feeling?"Minho asked.

"Terrible"Newt groaned"It's good to see you though"He weakly smiled, patting Minho's shoulder.

"Here, take this off. It should lighten the load on your chest"I pulled off the vest, avoiding looking at the paling Newt. Minho met my eyes and I gestured for him to talk to Thomas as I tried to distract Newt.

"I don't think this is quite the place for this behavior, _______"Newt chuckled before coughing. I shook my head at him, blushing as he tried to grinned through his pain.

"Come on, we've just got to reach Brenda"Thomas came and helped me lift him up. Newt stumbled, grunting as we kept him steady. I saw Minho look back at Gally with suspicion.

"Why are you helping us, Gally?"He asked"I put a spear through your chest"

"Yeah"He looked at me as he answered Minho"Nobody's perfect"Just then a huge explosion went off in the distance making us turn and stare as debris exploded"We're supposed to take down WICKD, not the whole damn city"

"Gally, come on"I pulled his arm, forcing him to look away and run. Thomas and I helped Newt along as Gally and Minho kept check in front of us.

"Shit! Stay low"We hid behind a plant display, away from the view of the police barricade.

Gally x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant