sitting here like the snack I am waiting for my sister to finish with my gown so I can put it on

I think Jooheon and Co. just got here actually

ki 💛: now I'm bald !
ki 💛: let me give you all my love !


ki 💛: hUh
ki 💛: OH,, I'm sorry I'll be fast

[you sent a photo!]

"What's taking you so long?" I heard Jooheon coming up from the other side of the door, which he didn't hesitate to open

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"What's taking you so long?" I heard Jooheon coming up from the other side of the door, which he didn't hesitate to open. "My Mom is armed with her fansite-style camera and I'm pretty sure it's a freaking gun in disguise and your dumb ass is sat here lazing around as if we don't have to graduate in exactly 57 minutes."

"Damn, okay," I stood up, laughing. "let me put on my gown and we can go, okay?"

"I'd suggest a t-shirt instead of that turtleneck, it's hot outside, Kyun."

I shook my head. "I didn't exactly expect it to be -12°C either-"

"Uh!" He exclaimed. "This sass! Is this what happens when you go two weeks without di-"

"Okay! That's my queue to vacate the premises!" Jaeun stood up. "I'll be downstairs."

Thank God I was midway fighting with the gown, otherwise the two of them would have noticed how fast I blushed and never let me live it down. I pulled the thing over my head, smoothing it down and fixed my hair once again, before taking a final look at myself in the mirror.

"This is insane."

"That we fell into a capitalist trap of needing overpriced education in order to survive?" Jooheon said. "You're most correct, Kyun."

"I-yes," I laughed. "that and the fact we're about to freaking graduate. Isn't it slightly weird for you too?"

"A little, I guess. But not much will change, realistically, we're just officially old," he smiled, and I couldn't help but mirror him. "come on, we've made it through plenty, graduating should be a piece of cake."

"I hope so, I'm kinda hungry."

He then shook his head in mock disappointment, offended that I was reminded of food during his "half-serious speech" but not even he could avoid smiling.
We decided to finally go downstairs, Minhyuk being discreetly interrogated by my parents - we got there at the right time, when his face lost all colour as they asked how he met Jooheon.

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