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song : Lostmyhead by The 1975
(I'm posting the live version because it's just beautiful)

(tw : panic attack)

Lim Changkyun

Sleep was cancelled; anything I had planned for the next however many years, in fact - was cancelled. My brain was going into overload as I stared at my screen, a throbbing sensation forming somewhere across my forehead.
I blinked, it having been 10 minutes since Kihyun's last message.

kihyun 📸: ??

sorry I crashed

you want to see me?

like seriously

kihyun 📸: yeah

kihyun 📸: I don't think you wanted to get my number just because your contact list was lacking, so yes, I want to see you

I thought long and hard before pressing send.

let's do it

when do you want to grab coffee?


The 8 hours of sleep I usually have felt like a 15 minute nap, since I had gotten up earlier than usual to shower again, and now stood in my underwear staring between my wardrobe and the mirror. To my luck, the bruises had began to fade, and minimal movement no longer hurt me; perhaps I was finally healed after the ass-beating I took.

I raced my hands through my hair several times, causing it to stick up by the time I had picked an outfit; all black with a leather jacket, ripped jeans and ankle boots. I smoothed down my hair, grabbing my school bag and making a runner out of the house, since despite waking up early, I was late, so here I was sprinting through Seoul whilst trying to maintain my image.

I caught up with Jooheon as he prepared to enter the building. "I genuinely thought you'd pretended to be ill to be able to prepare for the day."

"No..my parents...nah. They'd say if I wasn't good enough to go to school I couldn't go anywhere," I leaned on him, gasping for air. "how do I look?"

"You didn't put in half of this effort when we met."

"That's because we met at a funeral," I pinched his cheek. "but seriously, come on. I was so nervous that I almost lost track of time."

"You look great, Kyun. Totally ready to pull," he said. "one thing I would say, you should have planned for a different day."

He gestured at the heavy rain. "I know," I sighed. "I don't want to reschedule. I want to see him too."

"It looks just like the 1st of May, doesn't it?"

I looked at him, then to my feet. "Scarily. It's the same weird temperature too, and raining just as heavily."

"Let's change subject, I want to keep your spirits up. What are you guys doing today?"

"We're just going to chill in a cafe, maybe go for a walk if the weather allows it-" I was interrupted when Minjae roughly bumped into my arm, knocking me into the lockers.

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