Part 10

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Everything was clear in Marie's eyes now, after remembering so much. The shadows were simply demons. They were there since the beginning, to drive me to insanity, it's simple. Simple but crazy. Killing them must have sent them back to hell, where they came from. They left behind a human body in there place, tricky. But still Marie had gotten her revenge and her mind was restored. However the damage the demons did is far from over. There were two hours left, and Marie still had two murders to remember. One murder for every hour, she had just been asleep for two and she had remembered two murders. Marie knew she would get out of here after she remembered the next two, so she might as well remember as soon as possible. Marie closed her eyes and drifted into her mind. She was back in town, black blood soaked her shirt. Her finger were pruney because of how long her hands soaked with blood. She walked to her house and walked into the basement, she was quiet and no one heard her. The shadow stood in the corner that Marie had curled into a ball and cried because the monsters were chasing her. It was a bitter memory. When morning had finally come her parents had yelled at her because she ran to the basement, they yelled because she said that the monsters were chasing her. She walked up to the shadow and brought up her knife and dug it into the shadows neck. She walked in a circle around the shadow dragging the knife on the shadows neck the whole way round. When she had fully circled the shadow she backed up and watched as the head fell off. The head rolled towards her and it's smile was still plastered onto the face.

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