Part 6

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Marie was back to reality now, five hours left before she was locked up. She now remembered one of the murders she committed. But it was just a shadow in the shape of a human. No one would believe that the monsters from her childhood was what she killed, not a person. Maylin watched her daughter as she woke up. Disappointed is what she was, her own daughter a murderer. A psycho. Maylin had received much disrespect for her daughter's actions. Her husband left when he found out, he wouldn't stand for the embarrassment of having such a dysfunctional daughter. Maylin was filled with rage at this but there wasn't anything she could do. She could just wait till her daughter was locked up. Maylin jerked her head up at the sudden movement of her daughter. She walked over to the glass and looked at her mom as if she could see her. Impossible thought Maylin, the glass is one sided, only I can she her. She can't see me. "Mom." Marie's voice was croaky for she hasn't spoken in a few days. "The people I killed were monsters, they weren't innocent and I'm not insane." Maylin just ignored her daughter and went back to the newspaper in front of her. Maylin wouldn't listen to her daughter for anything. Marie tilted her head to the side, her eyes had a curious look in them almost glassy. "Mom be careful in the end the monsters might get your soul too."

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