Part 4

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Marie closed her eyes as she laid back down on the bed, she was confused. She had always known she was somewhat psychotic but now she felt nothing at all. She had in truth never felt this good before, her mind didn't felt like it was twisted bending over backwards like it normally does. Marie felt...sane. She tried harder to remember what she did but instead she had another flashback. Small six year old Marie bundled up in bed, the shadows leaked across the ceiling. Hot tears streamed down her face, the shadows got closer. Her mind split into two at that point, slowly as the shadow got closer her mind continued to break. She was almost wailing at this point but no words could escape her mouth. The shadow brought it's hand to her forehead and slowly dragged it's claw across it. It was a small scratch but it was enough for Marie to finally do something. Marie jumped out of bed and raced to her mother's room, she opened the door and saw the Shadow standing there. She ran away from it down the stairs, Marie saw another three shadows in the room so she ran to the basement and locked the door. She tumbled down the stairs and ran to her father's office, she locked herself in and sat in the corner. Tears streamed down her face as she cradled herself and rocked back and forth. Then she heard something, she looked up slowly. There stood a shadow, it's dark figure all she could see was the white teeth smiling insanely at her. Blood dripped through it's teeth, Marie gripped her head for it felt as though her mind was now just a bunch of splinters. Fractions of what her child mind was supposed to be. When finally it had been enough she screamed. 

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