Part 1

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Marie heard the shuffling of the presence around her, but she paid it no mind. She looked up at the ceiling and saw the shadows dancing in the reflected light. When she found it to be to much she got up out of bed and walked towards the door. Behind her it drew the knife as it approached her. It silently crept towards her, when it was close enough it struck. The knife embedded itself in her body through her back cutting all the way to her stomach. Marie looked down at the knife in her stomach and the blood that was dripping down her nightgown. "Oh" she muttered quietly. She reached behind her and grabbed the handle of the knife and pulled it out of her body. She turned around, it gasped in horror and shock. Marie stood there with the long bloody knife in her hand, her eyes were wild. It was petrified, Marie took the knife and stabbed it right through the heart. It collapsed at her feet, Marie looked down at it. Oh it died already how pathetic, she thought. She was well aware of the stab wound on her stomach but she chose not to do anything about it. Marie climbed into bed and closed her eyes. For the longest time she was lying there awake, when finally she closed her eyes and woke up.

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