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Cishet couples shouldn't be allowed at pride.

1. I'm bi/poly/ace/aro/other. This is my QPR partner/datemate of other sex.

2. One or both (or more) in the relationship is NB./Trans

3. Supporting a friend.


Cis person: well you like girls so If you're Trans you're straight you'll get less hate.

Me: How do you know how much hate I'll get?


You aren't opressed if you're straight.

Me: yeah, for the most part.


me: yeah I mean you're assuming that only cis people can be-

Them: you Trans people make the LGBT community look bad.

Me: No, but stupidity does.

Them: Trans people are dumb look at the way they view gender.

Me: * gives definition of gender*

either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.

Them: that's not true!

Me: I just defined it, using this thing called Google and a dictionary. If you have the resources to learn stop being so fxcking lazy

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