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Honestly, what's worst than bumping into your ex? Well so luckily me ha-ha.

Through the crowded sea of people, I see him laughing and smiling, delivering his love through each kiss he gave her. It aggravates me how he never treated me with such love in front of everyone.

Things were always private for us.

She smiles too, blushing even as he whispered loving words into her ear. They chatted and continued to laugh to one another. I stood by the bar, entertained by the bartender. Some of my parents friends came over and greeted me, congratulating me on my acceptance to Harvard two years ago.

If only they knew this heir is not doing too well in law school.

I strouded away after awhile, I was too tired and just out of it. I retrieved to the bar for more as my mood was dying from seeing him showing off his new girlfriend. Ugh!

I felt the alcohol burn down my esophagus, each gulp ignited my tissues. It was eating me alive, I felt drowsy and tipsy, I stumbled over a few guests at the party, they threw dirty looks at me like I'm some sort of disgrace.

"What?" I hear myself snarl at them in my drunk tone, I stumbled on my weak legs with a Jack Daniels bottle captured in my hand as I flung my arms freely, "Never seen Selena Gomez drunk? Here have it... Write it in the news anyways..."

I continued to blabber out random words as I sauntered off to the front. My vision became blurry as I continued to walk, a pair of arms caught me in time before I tripped onto the floor.

"Gomez can't you control yourself," the female laughed, my vision was blurry but mind was working and so were my ears.

"Shut up Demi," I frowned at my best friend, the best friend that would do anything for me.

"You shut up," she laughs and reaches for the bottle, then taking a big gulp, "give me some of that you hogger."

We moved and sat by the water fountain at the lobby, there were still guests coming in and the kids that were tossing pennies into the fountain walked away as we climbed in and sat by the rim of it with our feet slipped into the ice cold water.

"Hogger...? Who? You mean Hogwarts?" I laugh, sipping in more of the alcohol.

Demi laughs too, shoving me too she was drunk after her second sip, "How is law school treating you?"

"Ugh don't remind me..." I soar taking in another attack for the Jack Daniels, "I'm hating it.... How is literature study?"

"You mean the library?" She slurs giggly, stealing the bottle out of my hands, "torture."

I leaned down on her shoulder, "Demi... How come we're such fails... I mean ever since the Jonas boys, we still don't have boyfriends."

"You have one at least," she nudges my shoulder and gulps another chunk of the alcohol.

"He doesn't count, he's too childish..." I frowned, "it's not fair that they broke our hearts.... And now they both have girlfriends."

Demi hollers a laugh, "Hey..." She slurs, "who cares if they have girlfriends and we don't... We have lives at least."

I jumped up, now standing and laughing, "Yeah! We have lives & we're single & we'll party Demi... We will party like there is no tomorrow and celebrate for single ladies."

"Hell yeah girl," she stumbles up too, bringing the bottle high up in the sky, well farthest she could reach with her toxic acted arm by alcohol, "we're going to show the boys what they missed out on... We're gonna have fun and party with a Jack & Daniel!"

"YES! I hated Ben & Jerry anyways!" I lifted the filled up bottle of Jack Daniels behind the fountain and raised it up, "Cheers to the single ladies!"

"WOOOOOH!" Demi cheers on as we clashed out bottles and chugging it down. Some guests eyes us as they passed the lobby, I was shocked no one has came up to escort us out the party.

Demi and I sat by the fountain and danced to the music I blasted to full volume on my phone. We laughed and giggled like drunken fifteen year olds. We were too drunk to even be at our parents' party, they would murder us if they saw how drunks we are right now. I'm just glad they were both too busy entertaining.

They were celebrating their company's anniversary.

See, my family runs this town, my father is one of the best lawyer in town and owns his own law firm. And my mother, she is a lawyer too but she runs the council meeting and helps the mayor. Should I mention my sister? Rachel, she was a writer until she married Adam who's father owns a big company for lumber and now she is a housewife that is just a sex machine for babies.

She's on her third one already...

Oh yes, can't forget Demi, who is like my sister from another mother. Her father passed away when she young and her mother never remarried. But her mother, she is the mayor of this town and her and my mom is just a photocopy of us.

Well that is pretty much it about this party, all the rich comes here and pretend there is some sort of connection they have. And to be frank with you all, friendship does not exist in this town. It is all connections.


"Demi are we friends?"

"Haha," she laughs through her drunken breath, "shut up, you're my bitch."


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