Aubrey: Be careful out there. Love you.

Lisedi: Always careful. Love you too.

The day moved so slow. Maybe because I was ready to get home and lay up under Aubrey. That's if he wasn't busy tonight with work. I day dreamed to pass the time by, finding myself becoming aroused when replaying our escapade of love making.

I met with a few clients after my lunch. Updating paper work, check ins, the usual. It was nearing seven in the evening. I had another thirty minutes before Uncle Jet would probably let me go. I got out a piece of computer paper and sketched with my fine pencil. The flowers sitting on my desk from Aubrey was my subject of choice.

"So, I just got some information from an anonymous caller. The gave me a name and address on the person that's supposedly the kingpin in the city," Uncle Jet announced as he walked into the main office.

"What?" we all perked up.

"Who is it?" Cameron asked.

"What did they say?" I added.

A tip on a drug kingpin? The law officials in Toronto have been waiting for this for God knows how long. The problem of hinderance would be the no snitching policy in the streets. Everybody lived by the code.

"The name given was Aubrey Graham. 963 East Weston Street," he read from his phone.

What? Aubrey Graham? That's so weird. More than one person has my boyfriends name that I thought was unique. Hm. That's interesting.

"You have a picture?" Duane asked.

He nodded and said the informant had texted him one. We walked over to check it out. My heart dropped. It was Aubrey. My boyfriend. Aubrey Drake Graham.

"That's the man from down the street. The one that owns the pharmacy," Aunt Carol said.

"Yeah, he owns that new restaurant too," Randall added, "he's a kingpin? Wow."

"Hey, you have some pictures with him on your Instagram page, right, Lizzy?" Cameron questioned.

My heart was beating uncontrollably, but I did my best to keep my composure. They didn't know we were together, so I should let on to that at this point. Stay cool, Lizzy.

"Y-yeah, I do, but I never knew anything about this. We've hung out, but I wouldn't have if I would've known he was a kingpin," I said as they all stared at me, "I mean, I've been to his house before. It's so elegant and gorgeous. There were no signs of this there. Period. I swear."

"Well, I guess you should be thankful that you didn't get caught in any of this," Uncle Jet said, "you have to make better choices about who you're hanging with Lisedi."

"But there was nothing that even hinted towards that, which makes this all the more weird."

"I'm going to call my partner at the sheriff's office and give him the information. If this guy is a big as the informant made him out to be, they're going to need to step in on this."

"No," I shook my head, "No. We should do it. We should go grab him. He'll be easier that way. He trusts me."


"You're always talking about preventing situations from escalating into violent showdowns, right? He won't be that way with me. We grab him, I talk to him, bring him in. Peaceful. No big scene and shit."

Uncle Jet looked around at everyone else for approval, even though he made the final decision. The boys were down. They lived for stuff like this. Aunt Carol said she trusted my confidence in the situation and to just call the police once we have him arrested and secured in the vehicle in route.

On The Run: Original Work From The Tumblr AuthorWhere stories live. Discover now