"You're basically a cop. I think you know not to steal," I smirked.

She laughed, "Okay, okay. But I'd much rather take the cash than the card. I don't want to be responsible for something that valuable."

"Okay. So 400 in cash?"



"Aubrey," she frowned.

"Lisedi," I frowned, mocking her.

"Fine. 400. But I'm giving you the change when I'm done."

"Don't want it."


"Yes, sexy?" I ran my hands down to her butt before squeezing.

She blushed, playfully rolling her eyes.

My phone made a ding sound.

Tatiana: I got it! I'll make sure of that.

Lisedi glanced at my phone screen and wrinkled her eyebrows. "Since when you and Tati became so cool with each other that you are texting?"

"We're just discussing your birthday details."

She pouted, "And you're still not telling me what it is?"

"Nope. You made sure your schedule is clear for Saturday and Sunday, right?"

"Yes, and please, tell me," she kissed on my neck, "Please," she sucked on my neck.

I smirked at the lovely sensation, "Nice try, baby. Still not telling you."

"Fine," she pouted, "well eat your lunch so you can go. I have to be at the courthouse in an hour."

"What for?" I sat at the island in front of my plate.

"Just a quick meeting with the judge. It's protocol once a month," she said, "just to make sure everything is going good with my bonds."

"Oh okay. What time you think you'll be home tonight?"

"Like eight, but Tati is making me go out with her. She says you're getting too much of her boo time with me," she laughed.

"Oh is that right?" I chuckled, "well I'mma be handling some stuff tonight so that'll work."

She walked around the island and wrapped her arms around my neck, "you're still coming to sleep with me right?"

"You want me to?"

"Of course," she kissed my cheek continuously.

"Then I'll be here."

Once we had eaten and she was dressed and ready to go, I walked her out to her car before hopping in mine and driving back to my estate in Yorkville.

The house was pretty quiet when I walked in. It was a little before twelve, so everyone was probably still asleep. They had a little pool party here last night, so there's no telling what time they took their asses to sleep.

I walked towards my office. There were some work I needed to do on my desk.

I heard a voice in the hallway talking lowly. When I rounded the corner, it was Ethan with his back to me.

"Yeah, I don't like that little bitch so I'll keep an eye and let you know where she at, alright? Peace."

"What's up E?"

He turned around quickly and shoved his phone in his pocket, "waddup?"

I rarely saw any of the guys walking this hall. All that was here was my office, bathroom and sitting room.

On The Run: Original Work From The Tumblr AuthorWhere stories live. Discover now