I smile and nod. I semi-lied to Mathias when he kept texting and calling and I refused to go out with him. I didn't want him to know I was really laid up in my bed watching netflix because I was feeling too nervous to go out with him, so I lied and told him I had caught a bad cold. Mathias leans across his seat and kisses me. I pull his face closer to deepen the kiss. Our tongues dance, and my body starts to heat up. When I pull away Mathias smiles at me and casually starts the car and pulls out of the driveway.

"So I was thinking we could catch a movie at the mall, and then I'll take you out to eat afterwards."

I nod, "sounds good to me."

The drive to the mall last about thirty minutes so I sit back and relax, and think about Mathias. I like Mathias, I really do. He can be kind and sweet when he wants to be, he's my age and he's incredibly good-looking. But seeing Mathias get all angry at the party really freaked me out, and letting his ex-fiancé stick around just confirms that he has some deep rooted issues he hasn't shared with me yet. The thing is, I don't really want to break up with Mathias, but I know I should. Even when we kiss or spend time together I know I'm not as fully committed, as I should be. I'm going to have to break up with him anyways, be it today or towards the end of summer. I really can't see Mathias and I being together and having a long distance relationship, plus I have Eli to think about, a long distance relationship would just be too complicated. So it's inevitable, we're going to break up, I might as well end it tonight. Yet, the thought of breaking up with him freaks me out, my stomach flip-flops and when Mathias looks over at me my heart starts to race.

"You okay Nadia? You're not still feeling sick, are you?"

I shake my head, and smile cheekily. "No, I'm okay just thinking."

"Hmm.. thinking about what?"

I can't tell Mathias I was thinking about breaking up with him. My hand starts to tap on my leg, it always does that when I'm nervous.

"I was just thinking about how sad it is that summer is coming to an end," I half- lie.

Mathias reaches over and takes my hand. "At least we still have a few more weeks together. Let's make the most of it."

I smile and sigh. If only he knew that we only had a few more hours together. My gaze drifts to his hand in mine, his hands are rough and callused. My stomach does a few more flips and I start to feel guilty for even going on this date with Mathias. Maybe, I should just tell him to take me home, and along the way I can tell him I don't think we should be together anymore. I just don't want him to think that I'm leading him on.

Mathias pulls into the mall parking lot and cuts the engine. The warm and humid florida air hits me square in the face as I get out of the car. Mathias grabs my hand as we walk into the movie theatre connected to the mall.

"So what do you want to see?" Mathias asks.

I was kind of hoping he wouldn't leave it up to me to decide, I suck at picking out movies that both of us would like. I quickly scan the movie selection. There's a few kids movies, a romance, a horror film and one action film. The kids movies are automatically out, I see enough of those when I take Eli to the movies. Definitely not a romance, I don't think I can stomach seeing more kissing couples. No horror film, I get scared too easily and I'm not about to crawl into Mathias' lap, so that leaves the action film.

"Why don't we see the super hero film," I suggest.

Mathias chuckles and looks down at me. "I swear you were going to choose the romance, but action film it is."

Mathias pays for the tickets, and the man at the ticket counter tells us our movie is on the left. Even though I know we are going to eat dinner later, I'm in the mood for some popcorn and candy.

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