Chapter two

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I can't sleep, again. Aparently neither can Bently he's sprawled across the couch seaching through channels. I watch in the hallway as he surfs through channels, only staying on them a moment before moving on. He sighs and finally ends up watching some gladiator movie. I apear from the dark hallway and walk into the kitchen. The tile is cool under my bare feet, when I open the fridge I wish I could just stick my whole body in and cool down for a few minutes this extreme Florida heat is killing me. In my apartment I always have the air blasting even though it cost extra money, I factor it into my monthly rent. But Siena claims the Air conditioning cost too much and Beck says he gets sick having all that cold air blow on him at night. But those are easy fixes, make Beck's parents pay for the AC and Beck can sleep with a blanket on that way we all wouldn't have to suffer.

I take my sweating glass of water and collapse onto the couch next to Bently. Once again he is only in his boxers and I can't help but notice the way his chisled chest glimmers in the TV's glare.

"Couldn't sleep huh?" Bently asks.

I nodd. "Couldn't sleep."

Bently turns to smirk at me, his stormy grey eyes sparkle in the artificial light. "So is this gonna be a regular type of thing, should I be expecting you every night?"

I roll my eyes. A guy couldn't be more concieted. "I'll get used to the heat."

An awkward silence passes over us like those weird pauses on a first date, when both of you run out of things to say. I fiddle with my phone then send a quick text to Mathias.

I was so surprised when Mathias called me the very next day, I thought there was some rule about the number of days you have to wait to call a girl back. Obviously Mathias had never heard about that rule or he just couldn't resist me. I like to think its the latter reason. He had been so sweet on the phone and talking to him came naturally, like talking to a best friend. We talked for at least two hours in which I told him about being a teen mom. He was really caring and really listened to everything I said, at the end he told me he wanted to see me again and I agreed to plan to meet up with him.

After talking with him I realized most guys would have run for the hills after finding out I am a mom, but the news didn't even phase Mathias. He told me he loved kids and often took care of his nephew. He is turning out to be the perfect guy.

"So you and Siena are um... Okay?" I asked.

Ever since seeing Bently again, the thoughts about him and Siena's high school fling wouldn't stop floating around in my mind. Could they really just forget those feelings and move on?

Bently blew air out of his mouth and leaned onto his legs. "What do you mean, are we okay?"

I fiddle with my phone feeling slightly like I am going into fragile territory. One wrong step and the whole ground could shatter.

"Well, you know you two had a thing."

"We didn't have a thing."

"Yes you did you tried to steal Siena away from Beck."

Bently growls, "we did not have a thing."

Okay now he is straight out lying to my face. I lean back into the couch feeling frustrated and annoyed. I saw the way he had been so eager to drive her to school, the way he looked at her, the way Siena always blushed and looked flustered when she came home with him. There is no hiding it, they definately had a thing.

"Really you didn't have a thing?"

"That's what I said," Bently growls.

"Then why are you so tense and defensive about it?"

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