Chapter Ten

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When I wake, a small wave of fear rushes through my body as I try to locate where I am. The picture of Mathias and his sisters sits on the nightstand, and I remember falling asleep in Mathias' bed. I slowly sit up and look around. I can hear whispers coming from the living room. It sounds like a very upset Mathias, who keeps shouting in spanish only to be hushed by his sister's voice. The memories of Mathias almost punching Jeff and then storming away echo in my mind. His behavior was so erratic and un-gentleman like. He really scared me.

I pick up my phone to check the time. I'm shocked to see about five different messages from Jeff, all concerned and caring.

"Hello, Nadia? Are you okay?"

"Nadia, do I need to call someone for you?"

"Shit, I never should've let you get in the car with that guy."

"Please call me or text me."


I decide to text him back with a simple, "I'm fine. No need to worry." I set my phone down, and groan. My head pounds like my brains got punched in the face. I didn't even drink that much, but I guess I'm kind of a lightweight.

My phone vibrates, I sigh and look at the incoming text from Jeff. "Can I call?"

A moment later my phone rings in my hand, lighting up with the name Jeff. I hesitate with my hand hovering over the answer button. After a second I decide to pick up, the ringing is starting to make my head hurt even more and I'm sure Jeff will only call back if I decline to pick up.

"Hello?" I say. My voice sounds raspsy and tired.

"Hey," Jeff replies. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I answer. Although I really wish I had some advil right now, my head is killing me.

Jeff breathes heavily into the phone. "Nadia, are you still with him?"

I hestitate for a moment, considering lying to him so he won't worry. He's already starting to act like an overprotective brother. "Did he touch you?" Jeff breaks the silence.

"God no. Jeff it's sweet of you to care, but I'm honestly fine I just have a little headache that's all."

The line is silent for a moment, I can hear Jeff breathing on the other end. "I need to see you. I need to know you aren't lying to me."

"Sounds like someone just needs an excuse to see me again," I flirt.

Jeff chuckles on the other end. "True, I admit it."

I smile into the phone. A similar warmness spreads over my body. "Do you know where Linden road is?"

"By the beach houses?"

"Yeah, that's where I'm staying with my sister. I guess, you can come by later if you want."

I hear the scratch of pen on paper. "I'll see you later then."

I smile and hang up, I don't need this guy thinking we're about to start something romantic. Just as I set down my phone Mathias walks through the door. He looks at me with his brown eyes, all I can see is the angry brown eyes I saw last night.

"You called my sister." He doesn't ask, just states it as a fact so I don't respond. "She said I probably freaked you out."

I slam my fist on the bed. "What the hell was that Mathais? One minute we're fine and the next minute you're trying to beat up some guy that I was talking to. I mean, what the hell?" I pause and wait for Mathias to give me some kind of logical reason for why he went all crazy, irrational on me. "If you're going to be the type of boyfiend that's overly protective and won't even let me talk to another guy without him getting his face punched in, then I don't think we can be together."

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