"What would you rather me have on Gissy? Skin tight jeans and a tank top with my titties falling out?"

"Precisely. Maybe some make up too."

"My job doesn't call for me to dress that way. No one would take me serious."

"Right, but Aubrey would love it if you just happened to run into him," she smiled, "he does work at the pharmacy right next to you."

"I don't know whose worse, you or Tati," I shook my head, "he's barely ever there anyway so that's dead...but anyway get yourself together so we can leave within the next thirty minutes. I don't want to hear Uncle Jets 'the importance of being on time' speech."

I strapped on the rest of my gear and went to the kitchen to make a smoothie for breakfast. 2 avocados, 1 kale bunch 1 banana, almond milk, apple cider vinegar, and a cup of ice. It sounds like a weird combination but it does the body well. My phone began ringing on my hip. It was about that time. Clients typically starting calling this early to check in everyday. It was a requirement when on bond with me. I slid it off its holster and pressed the green button without really seeing who it was.

"Lisedi Scott," I answered.

"Good Morning, beautiful." The voice was husky yet smooth and sultry. That caught me off guard. My clients knew not to call me anything outside of my my name. I pulled the phone away from my ear to see Aubrey's unsaved number.

A little smile formed my lips, "Good morning Aubrey. How are you?"

"I'm doing well. I just wanted to call and thank you for a wonderful evening. I really enjoyed your company."

"Awe, I should be thanking you. You were quite the gentleman."

"That's all I know how to be," he said, "I was hoping we could do it again soon."


"You like making me work for everything don't you?" he chuckled.


"Well, just know that whenever you're available I'd love to take you out again."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Alright, I won't hold you up. I know you're probably headed to work or something. Is it cool for me to call you later?"

"Yeah," I continued to smile, "that's cool."

"Okay Lisedi. Have a good day."

"You too, Aubrey. Bye."


Not only was he fine, but his voice was just as tantalizing over the phone. I bet he had women gawking all over him.

Don't get yourself worked up over this guy, Lisedi. You're not the only one. I'm sure.

Gissy emerged ten minutes later dressed in a new change of clothes with her things in hand. She must not have heard me on the phone. If she did that's all she would have been talking about. Instead, her eyes were glued to her phone the entire ride out to my parents. She barely said a word. Just smiling, giggling to herself and I could've sworn I saw some blushing.

"You've completely ignored me for an entire twenty minutes," I said once she gathered her things and climbed out, "who are you talking to?"

"None ya," she slipped her device in the back pocket of her jeans, "see you later!"


"Love you, bye!" she waved and skipped off to the front door.

We would definitely be talking about this later. It better not be that ex sweet talking her. It's my job as her big sister to keep her up on these games niggas tried to play.

On The Run: Original Work From The Tumblr AuthorWhere stories live. Discover now