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*Rinnah's POV*

I freeze the second I see Camilla. It doesn't take long till she looks up and recognizes me.

Every horrible thing she's ever done flies through my mind as I give her a cruel stare.

"What the hell are you doing here?", I growl with anger.

"Excuse me?", she snaps in a sassy tone.

"In case you didn't know I live here. So get out of this house!"

Suddenly I notice that my new family is all in the living room staring at us in disbelief.

"Um she's not going anywhere", Rocky says in awkward, but firm tone.

I give Rocky an ugly and frustrated along with I'll tell you later look.

"Um what's going on?", Ross asks walking over to me.

"She's leaving", I snap.

"I'm not going anywhere", Camilla barks in a vicious tone.

All I know is she is not staying here even if that means I have to throw her out myself. I will not allow Rocky to be in anyway attached to that cheating scum.

Furious I march over to the couch and stand right in front of her.

"Get out of this house before I punch you in the face!"

Rocky looks at me with fear and whispers to her, "Camilla let's go outside."

He grabs her hand and hurriedly walks past me pulling her with him. As she passes she gives sinister look.

As they scramble out I stand there my blood still boiling.

"What was that?", Ross asks with concern, touching my shoulder.

"I'm going outside", I reply coldly jerking my shoulder from under his hand.

I walk to the back yard. Thankfully Rocky and Camilla went out to the front. Frustrated I walk over to the tree and lean my forehead against it.

How does Camilla manage to ruin everything? I thought that Zander might be the one I would marry but she had to get in the way. It wasn't all her fault cause Zander shouldn't have gone along with it, but still. Now she just has to somehow manage to come to LA and get with Rocky of all people. What the -

"Rinnah", someone calls during my thought rant.

I turn around to find Ross standing there with a worried look on his face.

"What?", I snap.

I sigh.

Calm down Rinnah. It's not Ross' fault.

"Sorry", I whisper.

"What's going on? You've met Camilla before and apparently don't like her because you said you would punch her. I never dreamed you had that in you. That was the most angry and evil I've ever seen you."

I groan.

Look what you've done you've scared Ross along with the rest of the them. Great job.

"Babe before you start talking I have got to say when you got angry back there it was so attractive", Ross says with a smirk.

Smiling I laugh a little.

Ok maybe getting angry wasn't all bad.

"Pleas tell me what's going on", Ross pleads.

"Fine. Well it all started when a guy broke my heart back in Texas named Zander. And it just so happens the girl he cheated on me with, Camilla is the same Camilla that was snuggled up to Rocky. I've never liked her, but now I hate her."

The Girl in all the Songs (Ross/R5)Where stories live. Discover now