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*Ross' POV*

After I hug Rinnah for a few more moments I decide that we need to get back to surfing. I wish I could hold her like this forever. Reluctantly I end our amazing hug.

"We should get back to surfing", I say.

"Right surfing", she replies. "Ross thanks. I needed that." She smiles that beautiful smile of hers.

"No problem." Smiling I get back on my board.

Before she actually starts surfing I give her a few helpful pointers on catching a wave. She listens intently and tries a few times, but doesn't make it.

"Keep trying", I yell to her. She nods her head a tries again. This time she gets up on her feet and keeps her balance.

"That's it", I yell.

She's surfing. I look to the shore and see the rest of the gang  loudly cheering her on. Rinnah throws her arms in the air in victory and looks back at me with a huge smile, but she looses her balance and falls off.  I can't help, but laugh. Once she surfs a few more waves and starts to gets the hang of it I decide to join her. I can tell she's having fun by the way she smiles. The first time I surfed I had a huge smile on my face. When you first learn to surf you have this amazing feeling as though you have just conquered the world. Surfing is so much fun you lose track of time. So after we've surfed a lot of waves I have a feeling we should head back.

"We should probably head in", I tell her getting up on my board after riding a wave. She nods and we paddle to shore.

"You know you did really great out there for your first time", I say grabbing my board and wrapping my free arm around her shoulders. That amazing feeling comes back when her skin touches mine.

"You think so?", she asks.

I smile and reply, "definitely. I know I didn't do that well when I first started. I had to try a lot more times before I was able to stand up and keep my balance."

She smiles and we walk up to the rest of the group. I let go of Rinnah's shoulders and take the last few steps towards the group. Rydel is the first to greets us.

"You guys looked awesome out there. Especially you Rinnah. You did really great", she encourages with a big smile.

"Thanks. And thank you Ross for teaching me", Rinnah replies and then looks at me with a look of gratitude.

"Hey no problem."

"Yeah Rinnah you did really well", comments Riker giving Rinnah a side hug.

"Thanks guys", she replies smiling. "So what are we going to do next?"

"We should go to the mall", chimes Rydel.

"Oh no shopping", Ratliff whines.

Rydel sighs, "you don't have to go shopping you can just hang out at the food court."

"I'm in", says Ratliff raising his hand. We all laugh. Ratliff loves food that's for sure.

"I guess we could do that", Riker replies. "We''ll stop by the house and change and let you two shower." Riker motions to Rinnah and I.

We pack up our stuff and head back to the house. When we get back we unload the car and I take a quick shower. After my shower I change into some ripped jeans, a black t shirt, and converse. I head to the living room to find all my siblings and Ratliff hanging out and using their phones. I take a seat next to Rocky.

"So Ross. Do you like Rinnah?", asks Rocky with a smirk. That was random.

"Why would you think that?", I ask trying not to give anything away.

I guess I do like her if I'm trying to hide my feelings from him. At least I think I do.

"We saw you guys hug. And it was quit a long one", says Rydel looking up from her phone with a smile.

"Would you care to explain?", Rocky asks nudging me.

"She was feeling sad so I decided to give her a hug. No big deal", I reply defending myself.

"It looked like you were enjoying it quite a bit", Ratliff says with a smirk.

Rydel giggles.

"Just be honest with us", Riker states in a urging tone.

"Fine", I exclaim throwing my hands up in surrender. I pause and take a breath. "Honestly I'm not sure. Some times I feel like we're old friends and others I feel like she's that girl I've had a crush on forever", I explain in a claim tone.  "Every time I think I've made up my mind how I feel about her she goes and does something that makes me think again. This is crazy. I just met her this morning." I run my hands through my hair.

"Wow that was deep bro", Rocky says very seriously.

There is a moment of silence. I think everybody is try to think of some advice to give me.

"Just keep acting like you normally would", Riker tells me. "Maybe after you spend some more time with her you'll figure out how you feel about her."

"Yeah I guess that's probably the best thing to do", I reply frustrated. "Thanks for the advice bro."

"Hey that's what brothers are for", Riker says getting and walking over to me. He slaps my back. I laugh and slap his back too. Rinnah walks in to the room seconds later. She's wearing the outfit she wore this morning. I sigh. She's really beautiful.

"Did I interrupt something?", she asks looking at Riker and I with our arm on each other's back and everybody else huddled together with serious looks on their faces.

Rocky gets of the couch and replies, "nope just talking."

"Oh ok", she chimes in with a smile.

"Alright let's go", Riker announces removing his arm from me.

Rydel and Rinnah grab their purses and we head off to the van.


Hi my lovely readers. Sorry I didn't post earlier. I had to think about who's POV I would go into and stuff. So in the end I had to delete some paragraphs and start this chapter again. The photo in the side bar is Rinnah's outfit.


The Girl in all the Songs (Ross/R5)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora